speaking of microsoft...

…they suck:

Speaking to members of the press in London recently, Microsoft's Chief
Executive Officer Steve Ballmer said that "iPod users are music
thieves," reports Silicon.com. "Billing Microsoft as the good guys and
Apple the villains of the piece - at least as far as corporate America,
rather than users, is concerned, Ballmer said: 'We've had DRM in
Windows for years. The most common format of music on an iPod is


, Rob Myers

On Monday, October 04, 2004, at 12:54PM, twhid <[email protected]> wrote:

>…they suck:
>Speaking to members of the press in London recently, Microsoft's Chief
>Executive Officer Steve Ballmer said that "iPod users are music
>thieves," reports Silicon.com. "Billing Microsoft as the good guys and
>Apple the villains of the piece - at least as far as corporate America,
>rather than users, is concerned, Ballmer said: 'We?ve had DRM in
>Windows for years. The most common format of music on an iPod is

Nope, not familiar with the 'stolen' codec. If he means 'stolen' as in 'taken illegally from somewhere', where is it now missing from?

On a related note (via slashdot):

"The Inquirer is reporting that a claim by Gartner that Linux desktops are used for pirated copies of windows has been dismissed by the Open Source Industry Association (OSIA). OSIA told The Sydney Morning Herald that 'if Gartner's conclusion that pre-installing Linux encouraged people to steal copies of Windows were correct…. It would be possible to state that pre-installing Windows encourages people to pirate application software.'"


- Rob.