Turbulence Commission: "1 year performance video (aka samHsiehUpdate)" by MTAA

September 30, 2004
Turbulence Commission: "1 year performance video (aka samHsiehUpdate)"

"We shall seal images of ourselves in images of our studio, seemingly in
solitary confinement inside seemingly identical images of cell-like
rooms measuring 10ft x 10ft x 10ft. We seemingly shall not converse,
listen to the radio or watch television, until–after you have viewed
them for one year–we unseal our images."

"1 year performance video" continues MTAA's series of Updates "that
resound seminal performance art from the 60s and 70s, in part by
replacing human processes with computer processes."

"1 year performance video (aka samHsiehUpdate) is a 2004 commission of
New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc., (aka Ether-Ore) for its Turbulence
web site. It was made possible with funding from the Jerome Foundation."


MTAA (M.River & T.Whid Art Associates) is a Brooklyn, New York-based
conceptual and net art collaboration founded in 1996. Their studies of
networked & digital culture & materials; the institutions of art; and
the pursuit of the absurd take the form of web sites, videos,
installations, sculptures, and photographic prints. Their work has been
commissioned by The Alternative Museum, Creative Time, New Radio and
Performing Arts, Inc., and The Whitney Museum of American Art and has
been exhibited by PS1 Art Center (New York, 2000), The Walker Art Center
(Minneapolis, 2000), Eyebeam Atelier (New York, 2002) and Postmasters
gallery (New York, 2004).

To view more information about Turbulence, please visit

Jo-Anne Green, Associate Director
New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc.: http://new-radio.org
New York: 917.548.7780 . Boston: 617.522.3856
Turbulence: http://turbulence.org
New American Radio: http://somewhere.org
Networked_Performance Blog and Conference: http://turbulence.org/blog



If some superuser, somewhere, out there wanted to publish this, these
images may make it easier for them:



On Sep 30, 2004, at 7:06 PM, Jo-Anne Green wrote:

> September 30, 2004
> Turbulence Commission: "1 year performance video (aka
> samHsiehUpdate)" by MTAA
> http://turbulence.org/works/1year
> "We shall seal images of ourselves in images of our studio, seemingly
> in solitary confinement inside seemingly identical images of
> cell-like rooms measuring 10ft x 10ft x 10ft. We seemingly shall not
> converse, listen to the radio or watch television, until–after you
> have viewed them for one year–we unseal our images."
> "1 year performance video" continues MTAA's series of Updates "that
> resound seminal performance art from the 60s and 70s, in part by
> replacing human processes with computer processes."
> "1 year performance video (aka samHsiehUpdate) is a 2004 commission
> of New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc., (aka Ether-Ore) for its
> Turbulence web site. It was made possible with funding from the Jerome
> Foundation."
> MTAA (M.River & T.Whid Art Associates) is a Brooklyn, New York-based
> conceptual and net art collaboration founded in 1996. Their studies of
> networked & digital culture & materials; the institutions of art; and
> the pursuit of the absurd take the form of web sites, videos,
> installations, sculptures, and photographic prints. Their work has
> been commissioned by The Alternative Museum, Creative Time, New Radio
> and Performing Arts, Inc., and The Whitney Museum of American Art and
> has been exhibited by PS1 Art Center (New York, 2000), The Walker Art
> Center (Minneapolis, 2000), Eyebeam Atelier (New York, 2002) and
> Postmasters gallery (New York, 2004).
> To view more information about Turbulence, please visit
> http://turbulence.org/
