mass grave of u.s. soldiers (?) found in iraq

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The Detection of Sixteen Dead Bodies in A mass Grave in Falluja
probably belong to American soldiers who were buried in a ditch in the North
West sector of the city.

Eye witnesses in Falluja have claimed this morning (Wednesday, September 22)
that some civilians have detected a mass grave in the north western sector
of the city containing the bodies of sixteen people of foreign appearance.

The witnesses have informed the correspondent of the German News Agency that
the inhabitants of that area have detected a grave this morning at 11 a.m.
local time which contained the dead bodies of 16 foreigners who have
recently been killed and probably belong to American soldiers who were
buried in a ditch in the North West sector of the city.

The witnesses have clarified that the identity of the dead bodies which were
hitherto remained unidentified, were found to be dressed in addresses
similar to those worn by local Fallujians. The style of their haircut
indicated that the dead were military personnel and the colour of the hair
and the face appearances suggested that they were foreigners.

The way by which these people were killed is so far unclear. An eye witness
has said that the grave was detected when the local people have smelled a
bad odour in the surrounding which urged them to dig up the place in order
to reveal the source of the unpleasant smells.

The witnesses have also added that the local police have arrived to the
scene and have prevented the civilians and journalist from approaching the
grave and photographing the dead bodies.