induce act passes in the US House
Bad: HR4077 Passed the House
holmes, September 28 3:26PM
The INDUCE Act is just one part of a legislative full-court press by
the major labels. We've been very focused on INDUCE, because it's the
biggest threat, the broadest coalition opposes it, and it's the most
realistically beatable.

But we just found out that HR 4077 passed in the House this afternoon.
This major label dream-law would send people to jail for sharing 1,000
songs, or just one unreleased album. That's right, up to 5 years in
jail for sharing one album. It passed on a voice vote, so you can't
even go see if your Congressperson supported it– their votes simply
aren't on record. They'll send hundreds kids to jail as a favor to some
corrupt industry but they won't put their names on it. Cowards.

The bill also includes charming things like restrictions on devices
that let you skip commercials (remember, America: if you don't watch
the commercials, you're stealing TV). HR 4077 still has to go through
the Senate, but it could easily sail through. We're doing some thinking
about strategy right now, and we'd appreciate your comments if you have
any thoughts.