ound pome

ound pome:

in lieu of having a cigarette (quit (again) a couple of weeks ago)

requires shockwave. a bit of 'imaging lingo' with an imported flash swf.



, Jim Andrews

the director algorithm just draws a frame of the swf and then will draw the
next frame of the swf, when it's time, at a slightly different (somewhat
random) position. the 'sex' is in the texture and shape that comes out of
the cumulative drawing with these vowels, which isn't in the algorithm but
is a happy accident.

the swf is one from nio that i made a few years ago. looks different from
how it looks in nio, though. it was used as an animation there, but here as

when i first started learning flash, i made some animations related to the
nio one. the animations weren't very interesting but when i onion-skinned, i
saw things like http://vispo.com/A/atob.html in the flash authoring
environment (which i took a screenshot of). that still shot is better than
the flash animation it's drawn from, just as the oundpoem is better than the
animation it is drawn from. piece, paragraph, word, letter, pixel.

a very sexy formula

komninos zervos

ound pome: