EFF Releases Quick Reference Guides to E-voting Machines

* EFF Releases Quick Reference Guides to E-voting Machines

San Francisco, CA - EFF has released the results
of research conducted jointly with the Verified Voting
Foundation and American Families United into the
strengths and weaknesses of the most popular
models of electronic voting machines. Organized into
one-page quick reference guides, this research gives
voters critical information about widely deployed machines,
such as the Diebold Accuvote TS and the ESS iVotronic.
In the guides, EFF takes users through a step-by-step
process for using each model properly and lists
problems people have had with the machines in past
elections. The reference sheets represent one of the
nation's first "Consumer Reports"-style analyses of
several different types of e-voting machines.

"It's extremely important that people vote, despite any
concerns that they have about new voting machines,"
said EFF Staff Attorney Matt Zimmerman. "The more
people know about the voting machines they'll be using,
the better prepared they'll be on election day."

It's estimated that one-third of the country will be
using e-voting machines in the upcoming presidential

For this release:
< http://www.eff.org/news/archives/2004_09.php#001921 >

"E-Vote Fears Soar in Swing States":
< http://www.wired.com/news/evote/0,2645,65044,00.html >

Register to vote to today:
< http://www.yourvotematters.org/EFF >