FW: [no-org.net] Opening of new net.art exhibition

[1] Opening of data/reference/art exhibition
[2] CAll for entries for the next project

[1] data/reference/art - The third net-art exhibition of no-org.net, is
launched, you are welcome to visit it:

Participant artists: Tamar Schori, Myron Turner, Simon Biggs, Doron Golan,
Reynald Druhin, Jerome Rigaud,
Don Sinclair, Joy Garnett, Brad Brace.
Curators: sala-manca group & vagrearg.

From the curatorial text:
Databases, encyclopedias, indexes, dictionaries, and directories are not
merely devices of data organizing, but also mediums for building
hierarchical systems. Not only they convey topic specific information but
also propagate political and aesthetic ideologies, reflecting background and
interests of their producers. "The correct", "the necessary", "the
important" or "the secondary" for a user to know, to study, to invest - all
those messages embedded into systems of knowledge and sorted according to
hierarchy established by their editors. Methods of distribution, managing of
contents, the structure, lay a distinct track to control and design of
common knowledge, shaping thinking patterns.

The global network, providing a new space for distribution of traditional
data-collections, also grants a possibility of their deconstruction,
challenging their authority by making use of inherent practices of the Net:
decentralization and release of information, casting doubt upon hierarchies
through the new form of data-organization, popularizing of canonical and
non-canonical materials, formalizing, aestheticizing and so on.

Current exhibition compiled of nine art projects, each presenting an
original approach to the theme, placing in doubt, rethinking the
signification, the function and the objectives of data collections on the


Current no-org.net exhibition raised the self-reflecting question of our
authority as curators and distributors/producers of knowledge. In attempt to
answer this question we chose to give up our ultimate right to show/hide the
artworks submitted to the projects exhibited on our website. Therefore, we
decided to present all the works we have received in response to our calls
for all the previous as well as for the current project.

It is important to note, that by doing so we are not canceling our
curatorial role, nor devaluating our responsibility for the choices made.
Indeed, we run the curated show that unite projects located closer to the
concept at hand and achieved higher artistic values (in our opinion). It
seems to us that opening the archives may allow for new interpretations of
the chosen for the exhibitions topics, and for observation of the relative
value of curatorial choices.

We believe that this step may open a deeper debate about the process of
exhibition of art on the Net, at least in relation to our activities. The
opening of our archives <http://www.no-org.net/openarchives/> would allow
for examination of this process and relation to it, creating new channels of
dialog between the artists, critics, the visitors and us*.

[2] Art Keywords - Collaborative dictionary of the 21st century art.
Call for entries <http://www.no-org.net/texts.php>

The aim of the project is to start a self-growing, collaborative
encyclopedic dictionary that would approach central concepts, keywords,
terms, and definitions related to 21st century art.

The project attempts to create a place for the data and definition exchange
where the combination of theoretical, mediative and artistic (poetic)
definitions comes from the need to establish different approaches to art

We ask for artists, curators, critics and cultural mediators to send us
terms and concepts relevant to their own approach to art, defined textually
(definitions, articles, references, etc.) or through a media item (image,
video, sound etc.)

The project will operate on ongoing basis, with an initial version launched
by January 2005.


www.no-org.net <http://www.no-org.net>


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