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> From: Exit Art <[email protected]>
> Date: September 21, 2004 2:26:55 PM PDT
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Exit Art message
> Reply-To: Exit Art <[email protected]>
> If you are unable to read this email, please see
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> The Presidency


, Jeanette Ingberman

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, Jeanette Ingberman

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The Weekly Newsletter of <em>Exit Art</em> </div></td><td class="smalltext" width="125" align="right">

January 26, 2006
&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td colspan="5" class="text" height="21">&nbsp;</td></tr></table></div>
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<a href="#remarks" class="headline"><font size="2">Remarks</font></a>
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<a href="#gallery" class="headline"><font size="2">In the Gallery</font></a><br>
<font class="arrow">></font><a href="#plugcity" class="headline"><font size="2">Plug
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<font class="arrow">></font><a href="#presidency" class="headline"><font size="2">Current
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<font size="1">Welcome to the <b><font color="ff3333">Exit
Times</font></b>, a weekly compendium of news, events, and reflections
on our cultures, sent out every Thursday from the Samuel Alito Filibuster Machine at our head offices here in <a href="http://www.hellskitchennyc.com/html/capeman.htm"> Hell</a>. As
always, if you are receiving this message in error, simply advance to
the bottom of this message to unsubscribe yourself.</font><p>


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<td width="420" valign="top" class="text"><p><div class="headline">Remarks</div><br>
<div align="justify">

<! ——————- CURRENT EVENTS —————->


<i><b>Exit Art and Antonius Block celebrate Chinese New Year

<BR><BR> There is nothing quite like the pleasing din of a sheaf of
firecrackers igniting in an enclosed space, as experimental band <a
/">Antonius Block</a> reminded us during their Rave-a-riffic set here
last Saturday. We were confused at first (what were the firecrackers
doing here) until we were informed that Antonius Block are in fact a band
from <a href="http://www.chinapage.com/newyear.html">The Future</a>,
who had ventured a week and a day back into the past to herald in an early Chinese New Year. All in all, it
was a smashing show. <BR><BR>
You can stop by Exit Art this Saturday evening at 7pm for soup and the
final performer in our Winter Festival calendar, the traditional
Columbian ensemble, <b>Sativasur</b>. (We are informed that Columbian
New Year, which is celebrated by city residents <a
licult014571745jan01,0,7187182.story">randomly walking about with
suitcases</a>, may or may not be recognized at the show.) <BR><BR>
<b>The Studio Visit Extended!</b> <br> By popular demand, Exit Art is
pleased to extend our current exhibition, <a
href="http://www.exitart.org/studio_visit">The Studio Visit</a>, through
March 25th, 2006. The show will be temporarily closed from January
29th-February 20, and re-opens February 21st. <BR><BR>

<b>The Studio Visit, Episode II</b> <br> Exit Art is pleased to keep
adding to the cacaphony. Tune in to iTunes for the newest episode of
our <a
82862773&s3441&i70818">podcast</a> and all the latest rumors. <BR><BR> <b>A
Crack of the Whip to Tyler Green!</b> <BR>Exit Art thanks the
far-ranging Tyler Green for his generous recognition of Exit Art as
"A Space to Watch" on his toothsome <a
href="http://www.artsjournal.com/man/">Modern Art Notes</a> blog. And
rest assured: We are working on our new website. A Lash across your
Back in Gratitude, Sir!! <br><br>
<b>…And a Lovely Picture</b> <BR>
Sometimes the nicest things arrive in our inbox. Like <a href="http://www.notifbutwhen.com/">this</a>. <BR><BR> Cheers!<BR>Exit Art Staff<BR>

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<img src="http://exitart.org/images/ExitTimes/JMorrison.jpg" width="136" border="0"><br>

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<td width="420" valign="top" class="text"><div class="headline">In
the Gallery</div><br><div align="justify">


<B>The Studio Visit</B> <BR> Exit Art presents video visits to over
160 artists' studios, made by the artists themselves. Featuring
everything from documentaries to animations to short movies, The
Studio Visit is a landmark view of the artist's most sacred
creative space: the Studio. Also featuring seven artists working
in Exit Art's windows for the duration of the show, including <b>j. morrison</b>, pictured at left. <BR> <b><font
color="ff4444">NOTE: By popular demand, The Studio Visit will be
extended through March 25th. The exhibit will be closed January
29-February 20, and re-opens Feb. 21.</b></font> <BR><br> <i><b>THE
STUDIO VISIT</b> runs through March 25th at Exit Art. <BR> <font
color="ff4444"><b>NOTE</b>: </font>The Gallery is open LATE this
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. </i> <BR><BR><hr>

-UP AND COMING in the MAIN GALLERY<BR> <b>Soup at 7, Performance at
8</b> <BR> As part of our Winter Festival, Exit Art will open up its
galleries late nites. Join us this Saturday, January 28th at 8pm for
the Colombian experimental jazz ensemble, <b>Sativasur</b>. <BR><BR>
<i><b>EXIT ART WINTER CARNIVAL</b> takes place Thurdays, Friday, and
Saturday nights until 10pm<BR><BR><HR> </i>- SAVE THE DATE in the MAIN
GALLERY<BR> <b> I &hearts EXIT ART</b> <BR> Exit Art is a fool for
love. We hope you will save the date this February 16th to join us for a
fabulous <a
benefit and art auction</a> to be held here in the cupid-infested
gallery space of Exit Art. All proceeds will go to benefit Exit Art's
emerging artist programs, so how, really, can you say no?<BR><br>
<i><b>I &hearts EXIT ART</b> takes places Thursday, February 16, 2006,
7pm to Midnight. Look for an invitation in your in-box next week, or
e-mail <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Andrea</a> to reserve
tickets. <BR><BR>


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<img src="http://www.smackmellon.org/IMGS/92/17lg.jpg" width="136">

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<td width="420" valign="top" class="text"><div class="headline">Plug
City </div><br> <br>
<div align="justify">

<! — PLUG CITY —>

This week, Exit Art spends seven minutes in heaven with <a

href="http://www.smackmellon.org"> Smack Mellon</a> for their terriffic
new show, <b>Site 92</b>. <BR><BR> In the words of Exit Art's associate
curator Jodi Hanel: <br><BR> "<i>Site 92</i> features site specific
works that respond to the architecture of Smack Mellona??s soaring new
DUMBO location. The powerful antiquated architectural features of this
former boiler building provided the artists with an amazing starting
point for their works. Some highlights from the exhibition include
Luisa Caldwella??s delicate candy wrapper installation, Wade Kavanaugh
and Stephen Nguyena??s large kraft paper ceiling joist, Heeseop Yoona??s
complex tape drawing and Virginia Poundstonea??s overgrown jungle with
crashed satellite." <BR><BR> <i><B>Site 92</b> is on display through
March 5th at Smack Mellon. </I> <BR><BR><hr> <font
<BR><BR> Exit Art is a great fan of the fabulous <a
road-sled race, which we caught for the first time by accident a couple
of years back. The singular beauty of <a
">human-mush-teams</a> pulling their <a
shopping-cart-sled cargoes</a> through the streets of Manhattan
suffuses us with a bucolic abandon. The only thing lacking is a live
narration by Susan Sarandon. If you are not
familiar with the <a
href="http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://kisstheplaya.org/albums/album44/Idiotarod_036.jpg&imgrefurl=http://kisstheplaya.org/gallery/slideshow.php%3Fset_albumName%3Dalbum44%26slide_full%3D1&h00&w00&szw2&tbnid=2lq3Ey3GO814QM:&tbnh0&tbnw2&hl=en&start&prev=/images%3Fq%3Didiotarod%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den%26sa%3DN">Idiotarod</a>, than we
encourage you to round up 4 friends and $25, and head on down to W-burg
this Saturday at 2:30pm for a wonderful afternoon of extreme sports.


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<div class="headline">Current Calls</div><br><div align="justify">
<big>The Building Show</big><BR>
September 2006<BR>

<i>Vertical memory, icon of a landscape, symbol of a city,<BR>
habitat of illegality, historical architecture</i>

Proposals due by May 1, 2006<BR><BR>
In the fall of 2006, Exit Art will present The Building Show. Buildings have become iconic figures of cities and countries, as an homage to the vertical icons that surround us, we are asking artists to choose any building in the world and to respond to it by making a conceptual, realistic, personal, intimate or analytical portrait of that structure.

Our personal relationship to buildings is at the crux of this exhibition. These architectural wonders are loved or despised by their neighbors. Oftentimes buildings serve as a symbol of a city or have deeply rooted historical significance, they form skylines that are embedded into our vertical memory. Other times buildings are surrounded by controversy, neighborhoods are rezoned, gentrification causes displacement, and old buildings are torn down and quickly rebuilt for new uses. For The Building Show, we want artists to respond to the love / hate relationship they have to these important structures. Artists can choose any building in the world, but the building needs to physically exist today.

<BR><BR><b>How to Apply</b>
<BR>Proposals may be for work in any medium. Please submit a one page description of your project idea: a sketch of the proposed project; a resume; and documentation of your previous work (10-20 slides or images on CD, please send images at lowest resolution so they open quickly, or a 3-5 minute NTSC VHS video or DVD). Please include a self addressed stamped envelope for the return of your work. You will be notified by email of your involvement in the exhibition so please include an email address with your materials. Exit Art is not responsible for returning works submitted with out a SASE.
<b>Send Submissions To</b>:<BR>
Exit Art<BR>
The Building Show<BR>
475 Tenth Avenue<BR>
New York, NY 10018<BR>
Or email [email protected]<BR>
No phone calls please.<BR>



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<td width="420" valign="top" class="text" colspan="3"><font class="headline">The Bitter End </font><br> <br>
<div align="justify">


Welcome to the end of the e-mail, where, like a con man baffling you by making change, we offer you the chance to win a

<BR><BR>Be the first to correctly identify the artist responsible for
the work pictured below and we will give you <b>two free glasses of
wine</b> upon your next visit to Exit Art's fabulous cafe. Identify the
artist <i>and</i> the Exit Art show in which it was exhibited, and
we'll give you <b>a whole bottle!</b> <BR><BR>

E-mail your answers to <a href="mailto:[email protected]"> Jamie</a>,
and Good Luck! <! — END THE BITTER END —>


<p><div align="center"><img
alight="center" width="300" border="0"></div> <! — END CONTEST IMAGE
—> <BR>

LAST WEEK'S WINNER: <i>We finally stumped you!</i> The image below was of <b>Skip Arnold</b>, from a performance documented in the 1989 exhibition, <b>Endurance</b>. I guess we will just have to treat ourselves to a glass or two of wine!!<BR>
<BR><BR> <img
src="http://www.exitart.org/images/ExitTimes/1-19contestpic.jpg "
width="100"> <!———– End LAST WEEKS WINNER —————>

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<tr> </tr>
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<td width="570" class="text"><table width="570" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="360" valign="top"><span class="smallbold">Exit
Art is located at 475 Tenth Avenue at 36th Street.<br>
There is a suggested donation of $5.</span><span class="smalltext"><br>
212.925.2928 fax<br>
</span><a href="mailto:[email protected]" class="smalllink"><font color="#FF0000">[email protected]</font></a></td>
<td width="210" valign="top" class="text"><span class="smallbold">Gallery
Hours:</span><br> <table width="210" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td><span class="smalltext">Tuesday &#8211; Thursday</span></td>
<td><span class="smalltext">10 am &#8211; 6 pm</span></td>
<td><span class="smalltext">Friday</span></td>
<td><span class="smalltext">10 am &#8211; 8 pm</span></td>
<td><span class="smalltext">Saturday</span></td>
<td><span class="smalltext">12 noon &#8211; 8 pm</span></td>
<td><span class="smalltext">Sunday</span></td>
<td><span class="smalltext">closed</span></td>
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