Rules of Crime -- Heath Bunting and Kayle Brandon

Hi all – An exhibition I curated in my capacity as Adjunct Curator at
the New Museum opens this Saturday, September 18, from 12-6pm. From
12:30-1:30 pm there will be a Discussion between me and Kayle Brandon.
Heath Bunting, genius artist, was not able to enter the United States
for the installation but he will be participating by phone (and
hopefully arriving later this month).

Works in the exhibition include:

BorderXing (with new installation in the gallery as well as the
original Tate Modern Commission)
Excerpts from the Botanical Guide to BorderXing (a book produced by the
artists and the New Museum)
The Status Project (an amazing and ambitious project shown in
LunchBoxes (instructions and food packages based on the meals the
artists ate while border crossing)

Below is the text from the exhibition brochure:

Rules of Crime: Kayle Brandon and Heath Bunting

Heath Bunting has been a problem from the beginning, long before he
began working with fellow Briton Kayle Brandon. It