Fwd: The Yes Men is/are coming! Please forward widely.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: The Yes Men <[email protected]>
> Date: September 12, 2004 9:57:14 PM EDT
> To: "rachel-rhizome.org" <[email protected]>
> Subject: The Yes Men is/are coming! Please forward widely.
> Dear Yes Men subscriber,
> This is just a quick note about a couple of things–and to ask you
> for a big, big favor.
> First, we're on the road, at the moment in Oregon, doing our strange
> variety of campaigning. We plan to keep going, mostly through swing
> states, up till November 2; watch here for updates:
> http://www.theyesmen.org/blog/
> Also, in just two weeks, on September 24, the movie about our *last*
> strange round of campaigning–a three-year stint posing as WTO
> representatives–will be released by United Artists in New York and
> Los Angeles.
> In "The Yes Men," a lot of powerful folks, including our current
> "president," find their ideas and actions exposed and skewered in
> crazy, funny, and horrible ways. Many of those who have seen the
> movie in festivals have said they left the theater enraged, engaged,
> and full of the urge to act; even press screenings, usually dour
> events, have people rolling in the aisles, then writing us heartfelt
> messages.
> A number of viewers have even told us they think "The Yes Men" could
> make a difference in the thinking of "middle America." Just in case
> they're right, we have to do everything in our power to make sure it
> gets to that audience.
> This is where the favor comes in. If our movie doesn't have a big
> opening week in New York and Los Angeles, it won't go anywhere
> else–that's the way it works with small films these days. For folks
> in smaller cities to see it, "The Yes Men" has to be seen by many
> thousands of people in New York and Los Angeles the week of September
> 24. Can you help make that happen?
> This movie (like our new book, http://www.theyesmen.org/book/) has
> already been ringingly endorsed by George W. Bush ("There ought to be
> limits to freedom") and the ex-director of the World Trade
> Organization ("Deplorable"). But believe it or not, even such glowing
> reviews won't get it into theaters in Toledo and St. Paul.
> So please: on September 24 or in the week thereafter, if you live in
> or near New York or Los Angeles, PLEASE go see "The Yes Men." Take
> your friends. Take your enemies. Take people you've never met. And
> forward this message widely.
> That way, other people you've never met, who live in swing states,
> will get yet another dose of political education in movie form–this
> one coated in a thick, sugary layer of laughs.
> Your friends,
> The Yes Men
> To change your subscription options, please join
> http://www.theyesmen.org/profile/