FWD: The Yes Men Movie

This is just a quick note about a couple of things–and to ask you
for a big, big favor.

First, we're on the road, at the moment in Oregon, doing our strange
variety of campaigning. We plan to keep going, mostly through swing
states, up till November 2; watch here for updates:

Also, in just two weeks, on September 24, the movie about our *last*
strange round of campaigning–a three-year stint posing as WTO
representatives–will be released by United Artists in New York and
Los Angeles.

In "The Yes Men," a lot of powerful folks, including our current
"president," find their ideas and actions exposed and skewered in
crazy, funny, and horrible ways. Many of those who have seen the
movie in festivals have said they left the theater enraged, engaged,
and full of the urge to act; even press screenings, usually dour
events, have people rolling in the aisles, then writing us heartfelt

A number of viewers have even told us they think "The Yes Men" could
make a difference in the thinking of "middle America." Just in case
they're right, we have to do everything in our power to make sure it
gets to that audience.

This is where the favor comes in. If our movie doesn't have a big
opening week in New York and Los Angeles, it won't go anywhere
else–that's the way it works with small films these days. For folks
in smaller cities to see it, "The Yes Men" has to be seen by many
thousands of people in New York and Los Angeles the week of September
24. Can you help make that happen?

This movie (like our new book, http://www.theyesmen.org/book/) has
already been ringingly endorsed by George W. Bush ("There ought to be
limits to freedom") and the ex-director of the World Trade
Organization ("Deplorable"). But believe it or not, even such glowing
reviews won't get it into theaters in Toledo and St. Paul.

So please: on September 24 or in the week thereafter, if you live in
or near New York or Los Angeles, PLEASE go see "The Yes Men." Take
your friends. Take your enemies. Take people you've never met. And
forward this message widely.

That way, other people you've never met, who live in swing states,
will get yet another dose of political education in movie form–this
one coated in a thick, sugary layer of laughs.

Your friends,
The Yes Men