Feeling Like a Robot - Opening Friday

Just a friendly reminder to anyone in the New York City area. My bulbous human scale emotive sculptures, Neil and Iona, are having their first solo show at Green Gallery in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The opening is this Friday, September 10th from 6-9pm - details follow.

Neil and Iona are cybernetic beings with the ability to interact improvisationally, independent of an operator. They express themselves through gesture, facial expressions and sound. They interrelate with one another and their audience using feedback from a network and sensors. I created them to model human behavior in real time and space, inspired by activity observed in psychoanalysis.

More information about Neil and Iona can be found on my website: www.smileproject.com or call 718.599.0844.

Gallery Hours: 1-6 pm; Friday - Monday or by appointment.

Neil and Iona
Feeling Like a Robot

Green Gallery
212 Berry Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Best Regards,
Jason, Neil and Iona

FYI: Williamsburg will be hopping this Friday night with most of it's galleries having openings until 9pm. I currently count five new media artworks opening Friday night.