Free them All + Don=?ISO-8859-1?B?uQ== t get caught

Its too bad so many comrades have been taken to the river prison but they
did know what they were getting into. Confronting a regime like our current
one is not to be taken lightly.

An old activist friend once told me that when dealing with situations like
this you must make a choice to allow yourself to be arrested in an act of
civil disobedience or when you feel the heat is really on you've gotta run
like hell and not get caught. Staying on the street to throw another stone
is ALWAYS the best case scenario.

Whether caught for political reasons or for flat out breaking the law. Jail
sucks. It is not made to be fun and they do not have to let you out or even
charge you with anything for 72 hours.
Hopefully if you are lucky you will be out in less than 30 for any stupid

I would suggest contacting Indymedia ( and they may
have some more insight as to the arrest situation. You should just assume he
is at the pier and in good company. They probably will be keeping them there
until Friday morning.

The police are free to do as they please and although there are laws
protecting our amendment rights, they do not have to follow them.
Civil disobedience is a misdemeanor, like jay walking or spitting in the
subway (they can arrest you for that ya know).

In 1996 they charged a number of the anarchists temporarily, including yours
truly, with attempting to overthrow the government of the United States of
America, and that was with Clinton in the office. In the end most of us were
just charged with civil dis and resisting arrest. All charges were dropped
at our court dates.

The only way in my opinion to take this situation to the next level is for
super mass arrests to happen. I read somewhere about an attempt at a massive
street sit in of 30,000 (I was really hoping for that to happen on Sunday)
But if the NYPD was forced to arrest even 7,000-10,000 in one action it
would totally overload the system and the political fallout from that number
would be very good for the cause. 100-200 are easy to corral up. 10,000 is
another story and it would make for some great press. It must happen as a
group. Will it I don