Tonight: Paul Chan -- Vera List Center (fwd)

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Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 10:44:47 -0400
From: Carin Kuoni <[email protected]>
To: Carin Kuoni <[email protected]>
Subject: Tonight: Paul Chan – Vera List Center

* better late notice (with apologies) than no notice, no? *

Film Screening
Baghdad in No Particular Order
Paul Chan, 2003, 51 minutes

Tuesday, August 31, 7:30 p.m
Free admission
Location: The New School, 65 Fifth Avenue, Swayduck Auditorium

"Baghdad in No Particular Order" is an ambient video essay of life in
Baghdad before the invasion and occupation. The filmmaker will be
present to introduce the film and lead Q&A after the screening with
Kathy Kelly of Voices in the Wilderness.

Presented as part of the Imagine Festival by the The Vera List Center
for Art and Politics at The New School and the Milano Graduate School of
Management and Urban Policy, New School University. The Imagine
Festival, which coincides with the 2004 Republican National Convention
in New York City, is hosting over 200 citywide events that mix artistic
and educational activities through a series of concerts, performances,
screenings, forums, town meetings and other extraordinary cultural
happenings. Complete schedule of citywide events at:

Carin Kuoni
Director, The Vera List Center for Art and Politics
The New School
66 West 12th Street, #903
New York, NY 10011