Fwd: URGENT: Guerrilla Dancers Bulletin #2

Begin forwarded message:

> From: John Perry Barlow <[email protected]>
> Date: August 27, 2004 2:17:27 PM EDT
> To: John Perry Barlow <[email protected]>
> Subject: URGENT: Guerrilla Dancers Bulletin #2
> Heigh ho, Dancers!
> Plans for our little dancathon are proceeding apace. Things are coming
> together. There are now 93 people who have signed up, though I doubt
> that we'll be able to field more than 50 at a time, given that many of
> you will be working during prime dancing hours. SO WE ARE STILL IN
> NEED OF ADDITIONAL CELEBRANTS, preferably without regular jobs. Please
> encourage your friends to join us and pass the word to groups that
> might be interested.
> Here's the deal so far:
> We will be meeting at 8:00 Sunday night, the 29th, at The CVB Space.
> It's at