NY Times - Vast Force Is Deployed for Security at Convention

August 25, 2004

Vast Force Is Deployed for Security at Convention

he New York Police Department and the largest armada of land, air and
maritime forces ever assembled to provide security at a national political
gathering are being deployed in New York for the Republican convention,
according to federal, state and local officials. They said yesterday that
they were planning an intentionally huge response to intelligence that Al
Qaeda hoped to carry out an attack to disrupt this year's elections.

The country's terror alert level, which was raised early this month, will
remain at orange status, or high alert, throughout the Republican National
Convention and probably well beyond, according to several senior
intelligence officials. They said they were increasingly concerned about an
attack, even though there was no specific intelligence indicating a strike
during the convention, which begins Monday.

"Have we collected intelligence that there is going to be a hit in the
financial district during the Republican National Convention?" said Pasquale
J. D'Amuro, the assistant director in charge of the New York office of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation. "No. But intelligence we have collected
indicates that Al Qaeda still desires to attack both domestically and
abroad. They want to kill Americans."

With the alert level ratcheted up, even in the absence of a specific threat,
thousands of Republicans arriving in New York are likely to be subjected to
a new round of potentially confusing public warnings about the risk of
attack alongside soothing official exhortations to enjoy the party, which
will take place inside a security envelope surrounding Madison Square

"Attacking Madison Square Garden would be like pulling a bank job at Fort
Knox," a senior counterterrorism official said, referring to the security
measures being put into place this week. "It will be the hardest target in
the world."

Officials from the National Security Council quietly visited New York last
week for briefings with the local authorities. Today, Homeland Security
Secretary Tom Ridge will inspect arrangements for the convention.

The backbone of security is being provided by the 37,000-member New York
Police Department, which has a budget larger than all but 19 of the world's
standing armies. To prevent an attack, the department will flood the streets
with officers and employ high and low technology, from seven surveillance
helicopters to plainclothes detectives traveling the subways and eyeballing
other riders.

Up to 10,000 officers, many reassigned from narcotics and other duties, will
be part of an enormous show of force around Madison Square Garden. That
display will include special heavily armed "Hercules" antiterror squads,
snipers and phalanxes of officers set up around the arena to search buses
and trucks before they enter the area. In addition to the helicopters,
several of which can feed close-up video surveillance images to mobile
command centers on the ground, 26 launches will patrol waterways, and
officers will use 181 bomb-sniffing dogs, many of them borrowed from other
law enforcement agencies.

"We can cover all the bases with 37,000 police officers," Police
Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly said yesterday. "As big as the R.N.C.
deployment is, we have a reserve on top of that. New York would be a poor
choice for the malicious-minded to try anything, especially now."

Mr. Kelly has said that virtually the entire department will be mobilized
next week, when in addition to the convention, the department will police
the United States Open tennis tournament, and baseball games at Yankee
Stadium in the Bronx and Shea Stadium in Queens.

Not counting the costs incurred by federal agencies, security in New York is
estimated at about $60 million, out of a convention budget of about $166
million, as concerns have broadened to cover not only the week of the
convention, but also the weeks before and after it. Police are girding for
protests, including a planned march on Sunday, which organizers have
predicted will attract as many as 250,000 people, and more spontaneous

The Secret Service is coordinating security arrangements, but more than two
dozen federal, state and local agencies will contribute personnel and
equipment. Those agencies include the Long Island Rail Road, the Postal
Service and the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or Norad, which
will help monitor the airspace over New York.

The Department of Homeland Security will contribute bicycle and motorcycle
officers, helicopters crews, explosives-detecting dog teams, undercover
agents, mobile communications experts, hazardous materials teams,
intelligence analysts and Coast Guard teams trained in boarding suspicious
watercraft. The federal government's costs will run in the millions, most of
it from money allocated for special events.

Five officials who had been briefed on the latest intelligence analysis
discussed the overall threat level as Republicans prepared to arrive in New
York and as intelligence analysts searching for clues to Al Qaeda's
intentions pored over computer materials seized during recent arrests in
Britain and Pakistan. American officials have said since early July that
they have received intelligence suggesting that Al Qaeda hoped to carry out
an attack to disrupt the elections.

The officials said that an investigation of eight men charged with
terrorism-related offenses in Britain had provided a clearer picture of the
surveillance operations at five American financial institutions. The
authorities now believe the surveillance was carried out by Issa al-Hindi.
They said he traveled to the United States along with two confederates,
Nadeem Tarmohammed and Quaisar Shaffi, who were arrested on Aug. 3 by the
British authorities. Investigators have concluded that they stayed in
Manhattan hotels during the surveillance.

The American authorities are compiling timelines that show Mr. Hindi
traveled to the United States in 2000 and 2001 at the same time as Mr.
Tarmohammed and Mr. Shaffi. The authorities are continuing to investigate
whether other people helped the reconnaissance missions. They could include
Adnan G. el-Shukrijumah, an associate of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the chief
architect of the Sept. 11 attacks who was captured last year and is being
held in an undisclosed location.

Mr. Kelly said that F.B.I. agents, police detectives and other investigators
on the Joint Terrorist Task Force were working to learn where Mr. Hindi was,
whom he was with and what he was doing during his time in New York City.

"Obviously what al-Hindi did in the U.S. and who he did it with is of
concern," Mr. Kelly said. "So there is this examination of his whereabouts
and his contacts in this county. That's ongoing."

Among the thousands of computer discs and other materials seized during the
British arrests are bank account records, telephone numbers and credit cards
that appear to have been used in the United States. That suggests that the
surveillance group may have closer ties to the United States than was
previously understood. So far, links to people in the United States are not
clearly understood, but no one in the United States has been arrested, the
officials said.

Investigators appear to be divided on the overall purpose of the
surveillance group, which conducted detailed vulnerability studies of
financial institutions in New York, New Jersey and Washington. There is
little information in the voluminous cache of documents to suggest that the
group had gone beyond the surveillance missions to starting preparations to
carry out a plot, according to some officials.

But others investigators believe that impression may change. They said Mr.
Hindi appeared to have spent time in the spring updating the three- and
four-year-old surveillance reports on the financial institutions, possibly
preparing to launch a plot against them. In addition, the officials said,
there have been recent reports that Mr. Hindi may have studied improvised
explosives in the spring in Pakistan.

Copyright 2004


, Pall Thayer

Republicans are a bunch of sissies.

On mið, 2004-08-25 at 16:26, Lee Wells wrote:
> August 25, 2004
> Vast Force Is Deployed for Security at Convention
> he New York Police Department and the largest armada of land, air and
> maritime forces ever assembled to provide security at a national political
> gathering are being deployed in New York for the Republican convention,
> according to federal, state and local officials. They said yesterday that
> they were planning an intentionally huge response to intelligence that Al
> Qaeda hoped to carry out an attack to disrupt this year's elections.
> The country's terror alert level, which was raised early this month, will
> remain at orange status, or high alert, throughout the Republican National
> Convention and probably well beyond, according to several senior
> intelligence officials. They said they were increasingly concerned about an
> attack, even though there was no specific intelligence indicating a strike
> during the convention, which begins Monday.
> "Have we collected intelligence that there is going to be a hit in the
> financial district during the Republican National Convention?" said Pasquale
> J. D'Amuro, the assistant director in charge of the New York office of the
> Federal Bureau of Investigation. "No. But intelligence we have collected
> indicates that Al Qaeda still desires to attack both domestically and
> abroad. They want to kill Americans."
> With the alert level ratcheted up, even in the absence of a specific threat,
> thousands of Republicans arriving in New York are likely to be subjected to
> a new round of potentially confusing public warnings about the risk of
> attack alongside soothing official exhortations to enjoy the party, which
> will take place inside a security envelope surrounding Madison Square
> Garden.
> "Attacking Madison Square Garden would be like pulling a bank job at Fort
> Knox," a senior counterterrorism official said, referring to the security
> measures being put into place this week. "It will be the hardest target in
> the world."
> Officials from the National Security Council quietly visited New York last
> week for briefings with the local authorities. Today, Homeland Security
> Secretary Tom Ridge will inspect arrangements for the convention.
> The backbone of security is being provided by the 37,000-member New York
> Police Department, which has a budget larger than all but 19 of the world's
> standing armies. To prevent an attack, the department will flood the streets
> with officers and employ high and low technology, from seven surveillance
> helicopters to plainclothes detectives traveling the subways and eyeballing
> other riders.
> Up to 10,000 officers, many reassigned from narcotics and other duties, will
> be part of an enormous show of force around Madison Square Garden. That
> display will include special heavily armed "Hercules" antiterror squads,
> snipers and phalanxes of officers set up around the arena to search buses
> and trucks before they enter the area. In addition to the helicopters,
> several of which can feed close-up video surveillance images to mobile
> command centers on the ground, 26 launches will patrol waterways, and
> officers will use 181 bomb-sniffing dogs, many of them borrowed from other
> law enforcement agencies.
> "We can cover all the bases with 37,000 police officers," Police
> Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly said yesterday. "As big as the R.N.C.
> deployment is, we have a reserve on top of that. New York would be a poor
> choice for the malicious-minded to try anything, especially now."
> Mr. Kelly has said that virtually the entire department will be mobilized
> next week, when in addition to the convention, the department will police
> the United States Open tennis tournament, and baseball games at Yankee
> Stadium in the Bronx and Shea Stadium in Queens.
> Not counting the costs incurred by federal agencies, security in New York is
> estimated at about $60 million, out of a convention budget of about $166
> million, as concerns have broadened to cover not only the week of the
> convention, but also the weeks before and after it. Police are girding for
> protests, including a planned march on Sunday, which organizers have
> predicted will attract as many as 250,000 people, and more spontaneous
> demonstrations.
> The Secret Service is coordinating security arrangements, but more than two
> dozen federal, state and local agencies will contribute personnel and
> equipment. Those agencies include the Long Island Rail Road, the Postal
> Service and the North American Aerospace Defense Command, or Norad, which
> will help monitor the airspace over New York.
> The Department of Homeland Security will contribute bicycle and motorcycle
> officers, helicopters crews, explosives-detecting dog teams, undercover
> agents, mobile communications experts, hazardous materials teams,
> intelligence analysts and Coast Guard teams trained in boarding suspicious
> watercraft. The federal government's costs will run in the millions, most of
> it from money allocated for special events.
> Five officials who had been briefed on the latest intelligence analysis
> discussed the overall threat level as Republicans prepared to arrive in New
> York and as intelligence analysts searching for clues to Al Qaeda's
> intentions pored over computer materials seized during recent arrests in
> Britain and Pakistan. American officials have said since early July that
> they have received intelligence suggesting that Al Qaeda hoped to carry out
> an attack to disrupt the elections.
> The officials said that an investigation of eight men charged with
> terrorism-related offenses in Britain had provided a clearer picture of the
> surveillance operations at five American financial institutions. The
> authorities now believe the surveillance was carried out by Issa al-Hindi.
> They said he traveled to the United States along with two confederates,
> Nadeem Tarmohammed and Quaisar Shaffi, who were arrested on Aug. 3 by the
> British authorities. Investigators have concluded that they stayed in
> Manhattan hotels during the surveillance.
> The American authorities are compiling timelines that show Mr. Hindi
> traveled to the United States in 2000 and 2001 at the same time as Mr.
> Tarmohammed and Mr. Shaffi. The authorities are continuing to investigate
> whether other people helped the reconnaissance missions. They could include
> Adnan G. el-Shukrijumah, an associate of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the chief
> architect of the Sept. 11 attacks who was captured last year and is being
> held in an undisclosed location.
> Mr. Kelly said that F.B.I. agents, police detectives and other investigators
> on the Joint Terrorist Task Force were working to learn where Mr. Hindi was,
> whom he was with and what he was doing during his time in New York City.
> "Obviously what al-Hindi did in the U.S. and who he did it with is of
> concern," Mr. Kelly said. "So there is this examination of his whereabouts
> and his contacts in this county. That's ongoing."
> Among the thousands of computer discs and other materials seized during the
> British arrests are bank account records, telephone numbers and credit cards
> that appear to have been used in the United States. That suggests that the
> surveillance group may have closer ties to the United States than was
> previously understood. So far, links to people in the United States are not
> clearly understood, but no one in the United States has been arrested, the
> officials said.
> Investigators appear to be divided on the overall purpose of the
> surveillance group, which conducted detailed vulnerability studies of
> financial institutions in New York, New Jersey and Washington. There is
> little information in the voluminous cache of documents to suggest that the
> group had gone beyond the surveillance missions to starting preparations to
> carry out a plot, according to some officials.
> But others investigators believe that impression may change. They said Mr.
> Hindi appeared to have spent time in the spring updating the three- and
> four-year-old surveillance reports on the financial institutions, possibly
> preparing to launch a plot against them. In addition, the officials said,
> there have been recent reports that Mr. Hindi may have studied improvised
> explosives in the spring in Pakistan.
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Pall Thayer