FWD: Chicago area events via Lumpen

2 fundraisers this Wednesday:

Help us end the bush regime by helping us go to ohio to register voters.

And come out to the inner city light fundraiser::

Make it to both parties and be a hero!


Inner City Light Fundraiser
August 25th at Rodan
1530 N. Milwaukee
9:00 to 1:30
DJs Madrid and Ben Fasman
Student work on the Projector

No Cover but donations are really helpful.

Inner City Light is a project of Friends of the Arts.
We provide cameras to kids living in community housing
such as Cabrini Green and encourage them to document
their world. We then organize shows for their work.
This year alone students shot over 35 rolls of film.

Over the course of time we hope this project can have
two significant results. First we look to help develop
a better interaction and awareness between differing
cultural and ethnic communities. Second, we look to
give the students access to fundamental technologies
such as the internet, digital cameras, digital video,
and image manipulation techniques.

Part of our effort toward this end is to is to create
at least one and hopefully two studios in public
housing communities such as Cabrini Green. These
studios would provide creative and experimental
working environments and would be utilized as
galleries and working spaces. As time goes on we want
to find additional avenues for artists to work with
the students.

To help do this we're holding a series of fundraisers.
Our main goal with the first fundraiser is to increase
awareness and support for our project among Chicago
artists and activists. We hope to draw a diverse and
energetic crowd. Any help toward that end would be
greatly appreciated.

Donations by check should be made to Friends Of The


Join us wed Aug 25th 9pm to help get rid of George Bush.

1444 w chicago ave.

You registered to vote in Illinois. You are going to the RNC to
protest the
Evil Ones. But you realise there are many humans in other places that
foolish enough to vote Bush.

that's where we come in…

The Swing State Voter Project
Lumpen is getting together with our friends at the Service Employees
International Union (SEIU) and America Comes Together to help defeat the
vulgar, disgusting and insidious Bush Administration. Our mission is to
visit the swing state of Ohio and help register some disaffected lumpen
youth and get them to Vote against THEM.

If you are looking for creative ways to make your money work to unseat
Bush, then please join us.

Come to our party and help us raise funds to rent the super party bus
or a
caravan of vans. If you come to the show you can sign up to be one of
adventurers that will go to Cincinnati in late September/ early October,
where we plan to party and canvas the kids on campus Chicago style.

All american VJ team will be in the house. DJ Surra the hun, DJ
LeDeuce and
Ken the Explorer will provide the audio ambience. There will be drink
specials and hot young men and women looking for a ride.

$10 donation is cool. no one will be turned away.
The trip to Ohio will be free! So come by and sign up to get on the

Keep on keepin' On!

Here are some other projects that you can get involved with to unseat