FW: new networked art project: Demonstrate


On September 1, a team at UC Berkeley is set to reveal the world's
most advanced webcamera. Dubbed "Demonstrate," the camera allows
anyone online to watch what's happening at Berkeley's Sproul Plaza,
the birthplace of Free Speech Movement in 1964. The student movement
will celebrate its 40th anniversary this coming month.

Demonstrate will be featured on the Whitney Museum of American Art's
website: http://www.whitney.org/artport/ during September.

To try it, see below.

the alpha lab, uc berkeley
Prof. Ken Goldberg: [email protected], 510-643-9565

Opens 1 Sept 2004


Among crowds, juries, and voters, opinion emerges from a dynamic
interplay of actions and influences. Demonstrate provides public
access to Sproul Plaza at UC Berkeley, where the Free Speech Movement
originated 40 years ago. The installation combines the world's most
advanced networked robotic camera, a visual database, and a
mathematical model of socio-ocular behavior.

Demonstrate requires a DSL or faster network connection and works best
with Safari or Firefox. It also works well with Internet Explorer but
IE may require you to install Java2 (see below).

To try it, goto:


1. To get your own account, go to the home page,
Click New User, Register for a password, check your email for
the password, then return to Sign-in

2. Control the camera using the panoramic image. Click with your
mouse and drag to set the desired camera frame. If the video
image does not appear, you may need Java2 (www.java.com to download)

3. Capture and post your photos by clicking Capture Photo.

4. View photos by clicking the Photo link.

5. Read and contribute commentary by clicking a photo thumbnail.

the alpha lab, uc berkeley
ken goldberg: [email protected]

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