FWD: Bikes against Bush

I wanted to tell you about Bikes Against Bush, an exciting project I am
producing for the upcoming Republican National Convention. Bikes
Against Bush is a one-of-a-kind, interactive protest/performance that
occurs simultaneously online and on the streets of NYC during the
upcoming Republican National Convention. Using a Wireless
Internet-enabled bicycle outfitted with a custom-designed printing
device, the Bikes Against Bush bicycle can print spray-chalk text
messages sent from web users directly onto the streets of Manhattan.

Please visit http://www.bikesagainstbush.com for more info and to watch
a video of the Bikes Against Bush bicycle in action.

During the convention, online users will be able to follow the
performance on the website as well as send a message to the bicycle in
real-time. So, even if you can't be in New York to oppose the GOP, you
can interject your anti-Bush sentiments directly onto the city streets
through Bikes Against Bush. Exact performance times will be announced
on the website in the coming weeks.

If you wish to support this exciting project, please consider
contributing a donation through the website at:

Thank you so much for all your efforts. With your help we can send a
message to America and send George Bush back to Crawford, TX, this

Joshua Kinberg

PS: Please feel free to forward this message on.