Miles Davis and McCluhan, just in case ....

Well it may not be that it was a colour issue, but really,
everything that Miles did, he did as a gamble.
1940's Bepop gives way to 1950's Cool.
1950's cool gives way to 1960's Fusion.
1960's fusion gives way to 1970's funk/synthesis.
1970's funk/synthesis gives way to electronic music.
4 decades of growth, unbelievable.
The Duchamp of New Media, easily, but more important than Duchamp.
The model of who we are today, wandering and wondering, and acknowledging that it will never stop, we can't be quiet.
Did Miles Davis declare that the medium is the message far in advance of McCluhan?
Until a thorough and advanced study is done regarding Miles Davis and New Media, and in fact, Black music and New Media, then all histories of this media should be considered on hold.
This is an extremely important issue, and an issue that requires readdress.