Miles Davis Continued

Perhaps, we have wrapped ourselves in the theories of new media instead of the visons of Miles Davis, Kenneth Koch, et al, the artists and Poets who have a vision of the future. These visions never call for disciples.
Forget the theorits, they always abound at the beginning of a new beginning.
Like Moths to a flame they obscure any light.


, ryan griffis

But when theorists make a bad turn, it usually doesn't involve fusion
covers of Michael Jackson that you have to hear on the "light Jazz"
station at work.
Sometimes the light needs to be obscured before it becomes an out of
control pyrotechnic display that catches someone's hair on fire.
It all depends on who's lighting the flame and what they want to set on
fire with it.
Cliches for a new millennium.

On Aug 5, 2004, at 10:19 PM, Eric Dymond wrote:

> Perhaps, we have wrapped ourselves in the theories of new media
> instead of the visons of Miles Davis, Kenneth Koch, et al, the artists
> and Poets who have a vision of the future. These visions never call
> for disciples.
> Forget the theorits, they always abound at the beginning of a new
> beginning.
> Like Moths to a flame they obscure any light.