Orlo Video Slam 2004 update

Hello Friends of Orlo,

You won't want to miss the next installment of Video Slam 2004. This
saturday, August 7, we'll be screening brand new short films on the
theme of
PLASTIC CULTURE. Screenings begin around 7:30 pm at the Orlo Exhibition
Space, 2516 NW 29th Bldg. 9. See www.orlo.org for more information on
slam, submission guides and directions. Hope to see you there.


News Release
For immediate release
July 27, 2004
For further information:
Peter Shaver
[email protected]

Orlo Announces First Set of Finalists from Video Slam 2004

Addressing the theme of "Mad Cow (s)," the Video Slam 2004 series was
launched this past Saturday, July 24, at the Know Theater in Northeast
Portland. Orlo is pleased to present the first set of finalists from the

Ben Ruggierro and Colin McCrudden
for "Sizzle"

Michael Chappell
for "Creature's on the Loose"

Two additional heats will be held on August 7 (theme: Plastic Culture)
August 14 (theme: The Campaign Trail) at the Orlo Exhibition Space in
Northwest Portland at 2516 NW 29th, Building 9, starting at 7:30 pm.
Finalists from all three heats will compete for cash awards at the Grand
Slam on August 19 at the Laurelhurst Theater (28th and E. Burnside). The
heats are free and open to the public. Filmmakers from the Portland
area and
beyond are encouraged to produce new short-format films for entry in
film-on-the-fly series.

For past news releases on the Video Slam Series, contact information and
submission guides, please visit www.orlo.org.

Video Slam 2004 is being sponsored in part by Orlo, Willamette Week,
and Mactarnahan's Brewing.

Orlo is a nonprofit organization using the creative arts to explore
environmental issues.


The Orlo Exhibition Space
The Bear Deluxe Magazine
Mailing address: P.O. Box 10342
Street address: 2516 NW 29th
(see www.orlo.org for directions)
Portland, Oregon 97296
Phone: 503-242-1047
Fx: 503-243-2645 (call first)
email: [email protected]
url: www.orlo.org