
Bras Cubas, selfish, arrogant, irresponsible, rich, voluble, who pushed t=
he idleness and the tedium the whole life, in a certain way will redeem him=
self of these "predicates", while transforming himself in the exposed narra=
tor who finally dives, in a critical form, in the great emptiness of his ex=
istence. Or, telling in a different way: while reviewing life by a disillus=
ioned but perspicacious view of his author, Bras Cubas until recovers a l=
ittle of his lost dignity and, by the fact of being already dead, can not j=
ust to tell their memories, but tell them entirely…

The Scalpoem by Joeser Alvarez , through a small animation, some scalps (=
words cuts and substitutions) get condense in an unique sentence, magnifice=
ntly, all that process of narrative.