Material Combinatorium Supremum

"Material Combinatorium Supremum"

From the essay:

"Joshua Honigwach's site contains an amusing, concise argument purporting to
bound below and above the number of atoms in the universe. It is an
interesting read, but allow me to summarize: Honigwach bounds it below at
10^78 and above with 10^81.

If if if if if if if if if if if if if if if then (else as many) (end if as

Amusing all the same.

Let us ascribe to 10^81 the term, today, anyway, of 'material combinatorium

Thus, for the monstrous poet, there is also an upper bound to be attained in
the exacerbation of poetry's suffering.

A text that is capable of transforming into 10^81 different texts suffers a
mind-bending combinatorium of textuality. It pushes poetry to the edge of
the material universe's fundamental mass.

Could it mean anything?

What does it mean?????

How to make such a text?

A stir fry can do it. Stir Frys are capable of unusually high combinatorial
