Orlo Video Slam

Orlo Video Slam 2004

For press inquiries, contact Peter V. Shaver at 503) 295-2787


For Immediate Release

Orlo is excited to announce its third annual VIDEO SLAM. The Video
Slam is a contest modeled after poetry slams: a judged contest
featuring wildly creative and thought-provoking short videos of up to
four minutes in length on environmental themes. This year's themes
include: "The Campaign Trail," "Plastic Culture," and "Mad Cow(s)."

The Slam format encourages fresh, spontaneously generated films from
all segments of Portland's filmmaking community and three cash prizes
will be offered, including a $500.00 first Prize for the overall best
film, as chosen at the Grand Slam. 2nd Prize is $200.00 and 3rd Prize
is $100.00. No experience is necessary and entry is free.

There will be three preliminary battles (July 31, Aug. 7, Aug. 14)
with each night a special event featuring a party and other
attractions. Winners of each night's theme will be entered into the
Grand Slam on Thursday, August 19, 2004 at the Laurelhurst Theater at
2735 East Burnside Street. The number of finalists will be determined
by the percentage of entries from each heat.

THEMES: This year's three themes and event locations are as follows: