House parties to take on Fox with Al Franken (fwd)

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Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 10:19:25 -0700
From: "Wes Boyd," <[email protected]>
To: joy garnett <[email protected]>
Subject: House parties to take on Fox with Al Franken

Dear MoveOn member,

Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, Fox News Channel turns Republican
talking points into news headlines. Now "Uncovered" director Robert
Greenwald – working with a group of Fox-monitoring MoveOn members –
has put together a documentary film called "Outfoxed" that exposes Fox
for what it is: partisan spin, not news.

This Sunday evening, July 18th, you're invited to be among the first
to see "Outfoxed" at one of over 2,500 house parties across the
nation, hosted by MoveOn and Common Cause members. Then join together
in a coast-to-coast conference call with comedian and radio host Al
Franken and the movie's director, Robert Greenwald. We'll kick off an
exciting campaign to take on Fox for its partisan reporting and
deceptive slogan "Fair and Balanced."

Find a house party in your neighborhood at:

Check out the trailer for "Outfoxed" at the movie website here:

At this web page, you can also order your own copy of "Outfoxed" –
for only $9.95 plus shipping. We recommend you buy the film, watch it,
and pass it on to friends. It's really an impressive and important
piece of work.

"Outfoxed" was co-sponsored by the Center for American Progress and
MoveOn. The film features former Fox News producers, reporters,
bookers, and writers talking for the first time about how they were
pressured to push each day's partisan message. Through leaked memos
and never-before-seen Fox clips, "Outfoxed" makes a powerful and
disturbing case not only about Fox, but about the state of American

Fox News makes no real distinction between its opinion shows and its
news coverage – partisan politics infuse all of Fox's programming. The media watch group FAIR just released a study of Fox's flagship evening news program, finding Republican guests outnumber Democrats by 5 to 1. Having an opinion is one thing. Insisting your partisan politicking is "fair and balanced" journalism is quite another. Whether you agree with Fox's politics is beside the point – citizens in a democracy depend on unbiased news reporting.

Defending fair journalism is a huge job, and we're glad to be planning
this effort with trusted friends at the Center for American Progress,
Free Press, Media Matters for America, FAIR, AlterNet, Common Cause,
and others.

It's time to take Fox to task for its partisanship. Join us at a house
party near you:

If there are no house parties in your area, you can host your own. All
you need is a TV, DVD player or VCR, and a place where folks can
watch. You can allow MoveOn and Common Cause members to sign up or
host a private party just for your friends. For a $29 contribution to, we'll send you a copy of "Outfoxed." To get the movie in
time, you'll need to sign up to host by the end of the day, at:

We hope you can make it on Sunday!

–Carrie, Joan, Lee, Marika, Noah, Peter, and Wes
The Team
July 13th, 2004

P.S. You can read the FAIR study documenting an imbalance on Fox's
most prominent news show at:

The New York Times magazine ran a great piece about "Outfoxed" on
Sunday. Take a look at:

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