visiting nottingham and london

i know there are a few brits on the list, so i thought i'd mention i'm
visiting nottingham and london. will participate in the trace symposium
happening monday to wednesday. i'll be showing an interactive audio piece
that's in progress, a piece called war pigs.

i barely know where the hell i'm going, but i guess i'll be there on the
10th, Sunday hopefully by mid or late afternoon.

there's info at about the
symposium. looks like i'm on tuesday at 2:30. i'm doing something completely
different than what i said i'd do a few months ago, but that's probably par
for the course. the interactive audio piece i'll be showing is something
i've been working on for a while and has a ways to go yet, but i'd like to
show it and discuss with whomever's there where it is and where it's going,
the concept, the context, political and artistic. i also wrote an essay
called Digital Writing Circa 2004 that i'll bring some copies of. this also
is different from what i said i'd do.

i work with some musicians in canada, one of whom, steve gibson, is also
going to be at the symposium. he's going to perform quite a knockout piece
wednesday evening in a club in nottingham somewhere, a piece called Virtual
DJ, and he's going to give a talk on visual music at the symposium.

the trace thing winds up wednesday night and then i'm hoping to head down to
london (never been) and leave on the 18th. i may have accomodation in
london, but i'm not sure.

anyway, i hope to see some of you at trace in nottingham or later in london.
