+ + Rhizome.org blogging survey (please participate) + +

> From: Kevin McGarry <[email protected]>
> Date: July 1, 2004 5:57:38 PM EDT
> To: <[email protected]>
> Subject: + + Rhizome.org blogging survey (please participate) + +
> Hello Net Art News Reader,
> We are conducting a simple, 4-question survey regarding blogs to
> collect
> data for a possible forthcoming addition to Rhizome.org. We value your
> opinions about arts writing and your support for online publication,
> so who
> better to take our questions on blogging to but you?
> Please, if you have a moment, visit the URL below and complete the
> survey -
> it should only take about 10 seconds -
> http://rhizome.org/survey/
> Thanks and all the best from Rhizome.org Staff
> Kevin McGarry