Director of Technology report, June 2004

A few interesting things got accomplished this month:

1. Advanced search features
The search engine now has new features, including:
+ Search results tell you if they're a Person, a Text, an Artwork or a
Net Art News Story.
+ You can also filter searches, so you can say: "I want to see only Net
Art News stories with the word 'Nintendo'."
+ We also fixed a bug in which Net Art News stories weren't being
indexed at all.
This is the start of a long process of trying to up the usability of a
very large site; more improvements are coming. And if you ever have
problems finding anything on the site, feel free to email me, since
knowing what people can't find helps me figure out how to improve the
search engine next time 'round.

2. Commission voting debrief
Poli-sci geeks might want to read my commission voting debrief at, in which I
discuss how the commission voting worked in practice, and how we plan
on improving it in the future. Comments are welcome.
