FW: <nettime> [Fwd: National campaign for FCC hearings launched]

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From: [email protected] (nettime-l-digest)
Reply-To: [email protected]
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2004 10:38:32 -0400
To: [email protected]
Subject: nettime-l-digest V1 #1444

Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 11:34:20 -0700
From: Sasha Costanza-Chock <[email protected]>
Subject: <nettime> [Fwd: National campaign for FCC hearings launched]

Press Release
June 25, 2004
For Immediate Release
Contact: Josh Silver
413-585-1533 ext. 21

National Campaign Announced Calling For FCC Hearings in Every State

Group Cites Statements from FCC Commissioners Copps
and Adelstein Calling for Hearings Across the Country

(Washington) In the wake of a federal court's dramatic rejection of the
FCC's decision to loosen media ownership restrictions, public interest
advocate Free Press is launching a national effort to gather 500,000
signatures demanding that the FCC hold public hearings in every state
before rewriting the controversial rules. The court told the FCC and the
Bush White House that the process used to loosen the media ownership
limits was "hopelessly flawed."

Americans cite decreasing diversity and localism in journalism and
increased commercialism as reasons for their opposition to Big Media.
Coverage of issues like the Iraq war and Enron, and the media's
obsession with celebrities, are also cited. Massive public outcry
opposing last year's rule changes - from liberals and conservatives
alike - is credited with several votes in Congress - including one this
week - to roll back the rules.

Reacting to the court decision, FCC Commissioner Copps, who voted
against loosening the caps, said, "I call upon the Commission to
schedule a series of hearings across the country designed to give
citizens true access to the decision makers at the Agency, and seek to
gain a better understanding of the impact of media concentration on our
communities." Commissioner Adelstein echoed that message in his
statements as well.

"We call on every American who wants more voices and opinions on the
airwaves to add their name to the Free Press petition" said Free Press
managing director Josh Silver. "The FCC has been given the opportunity
to start over. The question is, will big media lobbyists continue to
make media policy behind closed doors, or will the American people
reclaim their media system?"

The campaign is at http://www.freepress.net/rules

Free Press is a national non-partisan organization that seeks to
increase informed public participation in media policy and to promote a
more competitive, public interest-oriented media system. www.freepress.net

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