AP piece in Wired on Steve Kurtz indictment -- not funny

(scroll down and read the last sentence of this article)

Two Indicted in Bio-Art Case
04:44 PM Jun. 29, 2004 PT

An art professor whose use of biological materials made him the target of
a federal terrorism investigation – which sparked an outcry in the world
art community – was indicted Tuesday on charges he obtained the materials

Steven Kurtz, a University at Buffalo professor, was charged along with
Robert Ferrell, chairman of the University of Pittsburgh's Human Genetics
Department, in a four-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury
seated earlier this month.

Prosecutors said Ferrell used his University of Pittsburgh account with a
biological supply company to order potentially harmful organisms for
Kurtz, which colleagues said Kurtz intended to use in an art project.

"The charges do not relate to bioterrorism," U.S. Attorney Michael Battle
said. "Very simply, this is a case about fraud."

Kurtz is a founding member of the Critical Art Ensemble, which has used
human DNA and other biological materials to draw attention to social
issues, such as genetically altered foods.

As a private individual, Kurtz was not eligible to order the materials
allegedly obtained for him by Ferrell, authorities said.

A call to Kurtz's attorney was not immediately returned.

Outraged by the investigation of Kurtz, artists and academics earlier this
month held simultaneous rallies in Buffalo, New York; Vienna, Austria;
Amsterdam, Netherlands; and Berkeley, California.

A colleague of Kurtz's who was among several people subpoenaed to testify
before the grand jury called the indictment "a total joke."

"It sounds like they're trying to keep face because they overreacted and
made fools of themselves," said the colleague, speaking on condition of

The investigation began in May after Kurtz called 911 to report the death
of his wife, Hope, in their home. Firefighters who responded noticed the
biological materials and notified Buffalo police, who then contacted the
Joint Terrorism Task Force. The JTTF spent two days removing materials
from the home.

The University at Buffalo, in a statement, said it would review the
charges before considering any action, while stressing its commitment to
the academic freedom of faculty members to pursue research.

As for Ferrell, "He is still a faculty member at the university and a
distinguished scientist," spokesman Robert Hill said. "We do hope for a
swift and positive outcome."

Both men face 20 years in prison if convicted.




, Steve Kudlak

Yes I agree! This is why it needs to be fought and fought and
fought! The other thing is that the subpoena against the small
press publisher Autonmedia is still active and they don't have
flashy representation.

This furthermore exactly what the authorities like to do. If they
can't get someone one way, they will get them the other way.
It arill is a very repressive thing. People *SHOULD NOT* think this
is all over. In fact even when it hopefully is all resolved in Steve
Kurtz et al's favour, it might be good to keep the CAE defense idea
intact and expand it and have something around that can help promote
artistic freedom and protect it from attack. There are a nimber of
people who would restrain artistic and intellectual freedom and they
will use almost any means to acomplish it. That statement that Freedom
Requires Vigilance holds true. We have to make sure that our freedoms
especially artistic freedoms are maintained and strengthened.

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

P.S. I will cross post this to the CAE Defense mailing list and ask
what is being done about the fraud charges. I assume Paul Cambria Jr.
will do something as he is good at these things. I really wonder if
tbe University of Pittsburgh is going to do anything. I mean this seems
to be an issue of academic freedom and the person the FBI attscked is
a person of considerable merit and is well regarded. This has to be won.
Things of what they would try with any of us less prominent folks.

> (scroll down and read the last sentence of this article)
> Two Indicted in Bio-Art Case
> http://www.wired.com/news/medtech/0,1286,64040,00.html
> 04:44 PM Jun. 29, 2004 PT
> An art professor whose use of biological materials made him the target of
> a federal terrorism investigation – which sparked an outcry in the world
> art community – was indicted Tuesday on charges he obtained the materials
> illegally.
> Steven Kurtz, a University at Buffalo professor, was charged along with
> Robert Ferrell, chairman of the University of Pittsburgh's Human Genetics
> Department, in a four-count indictment returned by a federal grand jury
> seated earlier this month.
> Prosecutors said Ferrell used his University of Pittsburgh account with a
> biological supply company to order potentially harmful organisms for
> Kurtz, which colleagues said Kurtz intended to use in an art project.
> "The charges do not relate to bioterrorism," U.S. Attorney Michael Battle
> said. "Very simply, this is a case about fraud."
> Kurtz is a founding member of the Critical Art Ensemble, which has used
> human DNA and other biological materials to draw attention to social
> issues, such as genetically altered foods.
> As a private individual, Kurtz was not eligible to order the materials
> allegedly obtained for him by Ferrell, authorities said.
> A call to Kurtz's attorney was not immediately returned.
> Outraged by the investigation of Kurtz, artists and academics earlier this
> month held simultaneous rallies in Buffalo, New York; Vienna, Austria;
> Amsterdam, Netherlands; and Berkeley, California.
> A colleague of Kurtz's who was among several people subpoenaed to testify
> before the grand jury called the indictment "a total joke."
> "It sounds like they're trying to keep face because they overreacted and
> made fools of themselves," said the colleague, speaking on condition of
> anonymity.
> The investigation began in May after Kurtz called 911 to report the death
> of his wife, Hope, in their home. Firefighters who responded noticed the
> biological materials and notified Buffalo police, who then contacted the
> Joint Terrorism Task Force. The JTTF spent two days removing materials
> from the home.
> The University at Buffalo, in a statement, said it would review the
> charges before considering any action, while stressing its commitment to
> the academic freedom of faculty members to pursue research.
> As for Ferrell, "He is still a faculty member at the university and a
> distinguished scientist," spokesman Robert Hill said. "We do hope for a
> swift and positive outcome."
> Both men face 20 years in prison if convicted.
> /////
> [!!!]
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