EFF Letter: The Induce Act: Innovation Under Attack

from: http://action.eff.org/action/index.asp?step=2&item)18



The Induce Act: Innovation Under Attack

Senator Orrin Hatch's new Inducing Infringement of Copyright Act (S.2560,
Induce Act) would make it a crime to aid, abet, or induce copyright
infringement. He want us all to think that the Induce Act is no big deal
and that it only targets "the bad guys" while leaving "the good guys"
alone. He says that it doesn't change the law; it just clarifies it.

He's wrong.

Right now, under the Supreme Court's ruling in Sony v. Universal (the
Betamax VCR case), devices like the iPod and CD burners are 100% legal –
not because they aren't sometimes used for infringement, but because they
also have legitimate uses. The Court in Sony called these "substantial
non-infringing uses." This has been the rule in the technology sector for
the last 20 years. Billions of dollars and thousands of jobs have depended
on it. Industries have blossomed under it. But the Induce Act would end
that era of innovation. Don't let this happen on your watch - tell your
Senators to fight the Induce Act!



June 29, 2004

Your U.S. senators

Dear Senator,

I am writing to request your opposition to the Inducing Infringement of
Copyright Act (the Induce Act, S.2560). The Induce Act would make it
illegal to aid, abet, or induce copyright infringement, which could make
companies liable for violations committed by their customers. This would
be an enormous change in our copyright law. In fact, it could threaten
many familiar technologies that have both infringing and non-infringing
uses, like the videocassette recorder (VCR) and the Apple iPod.

In addition to endangering existing products, S.2560 would preclude future
inventions. If the Induce Act is passed, the creators of the next iPod or
VCR will have to subject themselves to approval from every major copyright
holder before even getting to market. This will create an unprecedented
chilling effect on innovators and those who invest in their companies.

Our country has a long tradition of allowing companies to make information
tools, even if those tools can be used to infringe copyrights. This
freedom has fueled decades of innovation and created thousands of jobs.
The Induce Act would stall our nation's engine of innovation and
drastically upset our copyright balance. I urge you to fight it.

Thank you for your time.


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