the liberals win in Canada

the federal election in canada has turned out better than was projected. the
liberals have won it though they do not have over half of the parliamentary
seats. so, steve, if the big pig gets back in in the USA, you got an igloo
here anytime.



, Jim Andrews

> I hope we can get rid of Bush. At least Kerry will be sensible.
> Bush justs acts as if he is a King. He pays no attention to any
> criticism, is unwilling to compromise. That and the attempted
> shredding of the Bill of Rights have been disheartening.

I talked with a poet friend from seattle the other day. i said that when
bush came to power, i thought that whether it was him or gore made little
difference but now it's clear things might be different had gore been
elected. she said perhaps, but the military industrial complex has had and
still does have far more power than is good for the usa or the world, and as
long as this is so, the dogs take the man for a walk. still, better a man
than another dog, it's true.
