Senate Passes Piracy Act


as furd blogs it:
> "So much for all the whistling past the graveyard, claiming that
Congress had too much real work (like passing a budget) to mess with the
copyright fights. Now my tax dollars will go to helping maintain the
RIAA/MPAA business model, unless the House shows more sense – good use
for the Department of Justice with a summer of high alert coming my way"

check out the article for links…


Senate OKs antipiracy plan
Last modified: June 25, 2004, 2:09 PM PDT
By Declan McCullagh
Staff Writer, CNET

The U.S. Senate on Friday overwhelmingly approved a controversial proposal
that would let federal prosecutors file civil lawsuits against suspected
copyright infringers, with fines reaching tens or even hundreds of
thousands of dollars.

The so-called Pirate Act has raised alarms among copyright lawyers and
lobbyists for peer-to-peer companies, who have been eyeing the recording
industry's lawsuits against thousands of peer-to-peer users with
trepidation. They worry that the Department of Justice could be even more

Senate leaders scheduled Friday's vote under a procedure that required the
unanimous consent of all members present. Now the Pirate Act, along with a
related bill that criminalizes using camcorders in movie theaters, will be
forwarded to the House of Representatives for approval.

"These acts will provide federal prosecutors with the flexibility and
discretion to bring copyright infringement cases that best correspond to
the nature of the crime and will assure that valuable works that are
pirated before their public release date are protected," said Mitch
Bainwol, chairman of the Recording Industry Association of America.
Counting a new round of lawsuits filed this week, the RIAA has sued 3,429
people so far.

Friday's unanimous vote represents a key legislative victory for the
entertainment industry, which has been lobbying fiercely for ways to halt
the ever-growing popularity of file-swapping networks. Their reasoning: If
civil lawsuits brought by the music industry haven't been enough of a
deterrence, perhaps federal suits brought by the Justice Department will

One influential backer of the Pirate Act has been urging an avalanche of
civil suits. "Tens of thousands of continuing civil enforcement actions
might be needed to generate the necessary deterrence," Sen. Orrin Hatch, a
Utah Republican, said when announcing his support for the bill. "I doubt
that any nongovernmental organization has the resources or moral authority
to pursue such a campaign."

"This turns the Department of Justice into a civil law firm for the
industry's benefit," said Adam Eisgrau, the executive director of P2P
United. Its members include BearShare, Blubster, Grokster, Morpehus and
