bush video links moore, kerry, et al. to hitler

The empire strikes back at Michael Moore with their own, very odd video,
featuring alternating footage of Kerry, Gore, Moore, Dean and Hitler to be
found at:


As one commentator summarizes:

"The basic crux of this "advertisement" is that we liberals, democrats, and
progressives, by merely pointing out the collossal failures of this criminal
administratuion, are purveyors of "pessimism and rage," whereas Bush is the
purveyor of optimism…

As Margaret Cho says, 'Bush COULD be Hitler- if he APPLIED himself!'"


New York Times commentary on Bush video:




, Lee Wells

Very Strange indeed.
I really don

, Rob Myers

On Monday, June 28, 2004, at 03:54PM, Lee Wells <[email protected]> wrote:

>Very Strange indeed.
>I really don