exhibition announcement brody condon

—————————- Original Message —————————-
Subject: exhibition announcement brody condon
From: "brody condon" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, June 27, 2004 11:26 am
To: [email protected]


Machine Project announces "Untitled War", a medieval battle staged inside
the gallery space. On July 17 from 6 to 8pm, armored warriors will engage
in gut wrenching, full-contact combat with assorted melee weapons.

"Untitled War" is a performative event combining fantasy role-playing,
fabricated history, extreme sports, and computer games, where warriors of
various historical periods from the Society of Creative Anachronism will
endure an ongoing First Person Shooter Game style Deathmatch battle. Live
camera views (similar to the spectator camera views found in online FPS
games) will be projected next door at the Echo Park Film Center, creating
a game-like viewing experience for those outside the space.

"Untitled War" is the latest project by artist and uber-gamer Brody
Condon (www.tmpspace.com). Working in the mystical confluence of
contemporary art practice, computer games, and historical combat
re-enactment, Condon's work is engaged in locating and fabricating
situations and visual works where computer games and game culture leak
outside of the screen and into lived experience. He was a authorized
fighter in the SCA, and his personal and collaborative work has recently
been exhibited at the 2004 Whitney Biennial, the Yerba Buena Center for
the Arts, and the New Museum of Contemporary Art. The Society for
Creative Anachronism (www.sca.org) is an international medieval
re-enactment group, which selectively re-creates the historical period
from approximately the latter Roman era to 1650 A.D.

Existing to encourage the heroic experiments of the gracefully
over-ambitious, Machine Project presents workshops, events,
installations and performances on a semi-regular basis. The gallery is
located in Los Angeles at 1200 D North Alvarado Street, just north of
Sunset. Gallery hours are Saturday and Sunday from noon to five, as well
as by appointment. Interested parties should contact gallery director
Mark Allen via electronic mail, at [email protected], or at
