Fwd: Benefit for Steve Kurtz/Critical Art Ensemble

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "The Arts Catalyst" <[email protected]>
> Date: June 24, 2004 4:59:01 PM EDT
> To: "Undisclosed Recipients" <[email protected]>
> Subject: Benefit for Steve Kurtz/Critical Art Ensemble
> Come and give your support, Friday July 9.
> Urgent benefit to raise funds for the LEGAL DEFENCE of artist and
> academic
> Steve Kurtz and members of the CRITICAL ART ENSEMBLE, currently
> appearing
> before a grand jury and likely to be indicted on June 29 2004 on
> trumped-up
> charges of bioterrorism.
> Barry Schwabsky (art critic, co-editor international reviews,
> Artforum),
> Warren Neidich (NY artist, visiting artist Goldsmiths College) and
> Anjalika
> Sagar (UK artist), with the Arts Catalyst and ArtsAdmin invite you to
> join
> us in an unmissable gathering of artists, academics and concerned
> individuals to help raise the legal costs of Steve Kurtz of Critical
> Art
> Ensemble.
> When: Friday July 9th, 2004, from 19.00 onwards
> Where: The Courtroom, Toynbee Studios, 28 Commercial Street, London
> E1 6LS
> Near Brick Lane and the Whitechapel Art Gallery (Aldgate East tube)
> How much? Free, but bring your chequebook. We are suggesting a
> donation of
> at least 24 pounds sterling.
> What's happening?: Drinks, food donated by *Story organic deli,
> celebrity
> speakers to be announced, music, performance, exclusive footage of
> Steve
> Kurtz speaking at London's Natural History Museum and many other
> entertainments. If you are interested in art and the freedom of
> knowledge
> this is the time to lend your support.
> For numbers, please let us know if you are planning to come:
> 020 7375 3690 or [email protected].
> We can accept cash or cheques only, no cards (payable to The Arts
> Catalyst),
> either on the door or to The Arts Catalyst at the above address. If
> you are
> unable to attend but would like to make a donation, please do so either
> direct to the defence fund - www.caedefensefund.org - or by sending a
> cheque
> to Arts Catalyst. The Arts Catalyst is a charitable arts organisation
> (charity number: 1042433). Money donated will be transferred directly
> to the
> CAE Defense fund.
> Why is money urgently needed?
> Everyone deserves a fair trial and proper legal counsel. American
> legal fees
> are exorbitant and are already mounting up during the grand jury. Being
> indicted on or by June 29 could financially ruin Steve Kurtz for life.
> This
> is part of an international campaign to raise funds for his defence
> costs.
> What happened to Steve Kurtz?
> Article by Gary Younge of the Guardian
> Art becomes the next suspect in America's 9/11 paranoia
> On May 10 Steven Kurtz went to bed a married art professor. On May 11
> he
> woke up a widower. By the afternoon he was under federal investigation
> for
> bioterrorism.
> What began as a personal tragedy for Mr Kurtz has turned into what many
> believe is, at best, an overreaction prompted by 9/11 paranoia and, at
> worst, a politically motivated attempt to silence a radical artist.
> Several of Mr Kurtz's colleagues and artistic collaborators have been
> subpoenaed and a date for a federal grand jury hearing set for
> Tuesday. Both
> artist and his art are set to go on trial for their alleged links with
> terrorism.
> The ordeal started when Mr Kurtz, who teaches at the University at
> Buffalo,
> New York state, called the emergency services when he woke up to find
> Hope,
> his wife of 25 years, had stopped breathing.
> A paramedic who came to his house saw laboratory equipment used in Mr
> Kurtz's art work. Within hours agents from the Joint Terrorism Task
> Force
> were combing his house and had seized his books, personal papers,
> computer
> as well as his work which have still not been returned.
> Hope, it transpired, had died of a heart failure which no one suggests
> had
> anything to do with Mr Kurtz or his work. But as her body lay in the
> house
> Mr Kurtz, 46, was whisked off to be questioned for two days while his
> home
> was cordoned off and searched. "It's a complete fishing expedition,"
> says Mr
> Kurtz's lawyer, Paul Cambria. "There's no question that it's a paranoid
> overreaction that would never have happened before 9/11. I only hope
> that it
> is not simply aimed at trying to silence his message or the methods
> he's
> using to convey his message." The FBI refuses to comment.
> Mr Kurtz, who is not speaking to the press, is part of the Critical Art
> Ensemble, "dedicated to exploring the intersections between art,
> technology,
> radical politics and critical theory".
> His art often involves blending biology with agricultural issues. In
> 2002
> his exhibit Molecular Invasion, a statement against genetically
> modified
> crops, created a display of small soy, corn and canola plants growing
> under
> large incubating lamps. Other exhibits allowed visitors to watch
> bacteria
> grow in petri dishes. "He's trying to change the world through his
> work and
> his discourse," says Adele Henderson, the head of the art department
> at the
> University at Buffalo.
> The New York-based writer and artist Greg Sholette says: "His art
> itself is
> going to be on trial. The Critical Art Ensemble has a strong tradition
> of
> critiquing capitalism and pushing the edges through its art but always
> within constitutional boundaries."
> When the police came to Mr Kurtz's house they found equipment used for
> extracting and amplifying DNA, as well as three types of bacteria -
> prompting bioterrorism fears.
> "He is obviously not someone who is attempting to make a weapon," says
> Mr
> Cambria. "He explained that he uses the equipment for his art."
> The subpoenas say the FBI is seeking charges under section 175 of the
> US
> Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, which has been expanded
> by
> the Patriot Act.
> It prohibits the possession of "any biological agent, toxin, or
> delivery
> system" without the justification of "prophylactic, protective, bona
> fide
> research, or other peaceful purpose".
> Mr Cambria argues that Mr Kurtz's work "obviously" comes under the
> last two
> categories.
> "I know everything we did was legal," said Beatriz da Costa, a member
> of the
> CAE who says FBI agents followed her to an art show in Massachusetts to
> serve her a subpoena. "I can only think they are trying to intimidate
> us and
> maybe make us an example."
> Ms da Costa, a professor at the University of California, says
> everything
> found in the house has been exhibited in public before.
> Those close to Mr Kurtz or the case believe the case has spun out of
> control
> and has potentially huge ramifications. "I feel harassed and hassled,"
> Ms Da
> Costa says. "But mostly I feel sorry for Steve Kurtz because he lost
> his
> wife, and his life has been a nightmare ever since. And he didn't even
> have
> time to grieve."
> For further background read Clare Pentecost's excellent essay on
> www.caedefensefund.org/background.html
> See you at the Benefit
> Benefit Committee: Kathy Battista, Julien Dobbs-Higginson, Kodwo
> Eshun,
> Charlie Gere, Jan Hietala, Janis Jefferies, Susan and Ben Keisler,
> Karen
> Knoor, Kathy Kubicki, Sandra Percival, Marq Smith, John Slyce, Mark
> Tribe,
> Paul Wombell, Karen Wright, and Robert Zimmer.
> * Light fare donated by Story deli, purveyors of simple, honest,
> quality
> organically grown food, made in their own kitchen with heart and soul.
> 3
> Dray Walk Old Truman Brewery 91 Brick Lane London. [email protected]
> +447949827966.
> Organisational help from:
> www.artscatalyst.org
> www.artsadmin.co.uk