article on CAE and Grand Jury Testimonies

Saying No to the Prosecutor

Why Steve Kurtz's Colleagues Refused to Testify to the Grand Jury

Bruce Jackson

A death and a taste of blood

Steve Kurtz's wife Hope died of a heart attack May 11. Steve, an
associate professor of art at University at Buffalo, called 911. The
police who came saw some of the materials for an art exhibit on genetic
modification and called the FBI. The FBI came in, cordoned off half the
block, confiscated Hope's s body, Steve's computer, his notebooks, his
art supplies and their cat. They took him into custody. Two days later
they let him and the cat go and whoever had the wife's body released
for burial. There was no supposition of foul play in the death. Kurtz
is a member of the highly-regarded Critical Arts Ensemble, a group that
does confrontation art works designed to make people think about the
role corporations play in modern life.