Call for Submissions - Video Dictionary

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From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 20:28:58 -0700 (PDT)
To: [email protected]
Subject: calls x 48 + real estate

Call for Submissions - Video Dictionary

Deadline: 16 October

VideoDictionary is a project about language and moving images. It is a new

venture of TheVideoArtFoundation after the development and presentation of

25hrs in Barcelona. The aim of the VideoDictionary is to make a collection

of videos of less than one minute of duration that define different words of

the dictionary. It will reflect about the relationship of objects and words,

and the capability of moving images to construct meaning. The videos are

made by a wide variety of video artists from different countries and

language speakers using video in its work. Videos should not contain words

neither on the images nor on the soundtrack, so the dictionary is available

for speakers of all languages. However, English will be the primary language

for classify and order the entries.

Find out more at

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