Steve Kurtz and the CAE Resources and Protest

[the following is a selection of posts relevant to Steve Kurtz and the
CAE's ongoing struggle with the US FBI - pertinent links, a briefing on
the situation, and letters of support for you to sign, translate, and


CAE Defense Fund -
press from the washington post -

+ + +

from: ryan griffis <[email protected]>:

Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 21:28:59 -0400 (EDT)
From: CAE Legal Defense Fund <[email protected]>

June 2, 2004

Contact: Beatriz da Costa, mailto:[email protected]

Feds STILL unable to distinguish art from bioterrorism
Grand jury to convene June 15


Three artists have been served subpoenas to appear before a federal
grand jury that will consider bioterrorism charges against a
university professor whose art involves the use of simple biology

The subpoenas are the latest installment in a bizarre investigation
in which members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force have mistaken an
art project for a biological weapons laboratory (see end for
background). While most observers have assumed that the Task Force
would realize the absurd error of its initial investigation of Steve
Kurtz, the subpoenas indicate that the feds have instead chosen to
press their "case" against the baffled professor.

Two of the subpoenaed artists–Beatriz da Costa and Steve Barnes–are,
like Kurtz, members of the internationally-acclaimed Critical Art
Ensemble (CAE), an artists' collective that produces artwork to
educate the public about the politics of biotechnology. They were
served the subpoenas by federal agents who tailed them to an art show
at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art. The third artist,
Paul Vanouse, is, like Kurtz, an art professor at the University at
Buffalo. He has worked with CAE in the past.

The artists involved are at a loss to explain the increasingly bizarre
case. "I have no idea why they're continuing (to investigate)," said
Beatriz da Costa, one of those subpoenaed. "It was shocking that this
investigation was ever launched. That it is continuing is positively
frightening, and shows how vulnerable the PATRIOT Act has made freedom
of speech in this country." Da Costa is an art professor at the
University of California at Irvine.

According to the subpoenas, the FBI is seeking charges under Section
175 of the US Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, which has
been expanded by the USA PATRIOT Act. As expanded, this law prohibits
the possession of "any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system"
without the justification of "prophylactic, protective, bona fide
research, or other peaceful purpose." (See for the 1989 law and for its USA
PATRIOT Act expansion.)

Even under the expanded powers of the USA PATRIOT Act, it is difficult
to understand how anyone could view CAE's art as anything other than a
"peaceful purpose." The equipment seized by the FBI consisted mainly of
CAE's most recent project, a mobile DNA extraction laboratory to test
store-bought food for possible contamination by genetically modified
grains and organisms; such equipment can be found in any university's
basic biology lab and even in many high schools (see "Lab Tour" at for more details).

The grand jury in the case is scheduled to convene June 15 in Buffalo,
New York. Here, the jury will decide whether or not to indict Steve
Kurtz on the charges brought by the FBI. A protest is being planned at
9 a.m. on June 15 outside the courthouse at 138 Delaware Ave. in


Financial donations:
The CAE Defense Fund has so far received over 200 donations in amounts
ranging from $5 to $400. This is a wonderful outpouring of sympathy,
but a drop in the bucket compared to the potential costs of the case.
To make a donation, please visit

Letters of support:
Letters and petitions of support from biologists, artists, and others,
especially those in positions of responsibility at prominent
institutions or companies, could be very useful. See for a sample letter of support.

Legal offers and letters of support:
If you are a lawyer, offers of pro bono support or offers to write
amicus briefs would be very helpful.

+ + +

from: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>:

Original Message:
From: Amanda McDonald Crowley [email protected]
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2004 20:55:44 +0300
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Reader-list] CAE - open letter of protest - request for

Helsinki / Amsterdam, June 4, 2004

Dear friends and colleagues on the Sarai reader list,

We are sure that many of you have been following the deeply worrying events
around the subpoenas that have been served to members of the US-based arts
collective Critical Art Ensemble and have read Shuddhabrata Sengupta's
recent posting on this issue. We, Eric Kluitenberg and Amanda McDonald
Crowley (with support from a range of colleagues), have taken the initiative
to write an open letter of protest asking for an immediate cessation of
legal proceedings against our esteemed and distinguished colleagues. We
think that this case signals a most worrisome trend in public political life
in the United States and cannot be left unaddressed.

We ask all of you who have worked with the Critical Art Ensemble in recent
years, and others who feel offended by this unacceptable infringement on
artistic freedom, to contact us to sign this letter of protest as members of
a deeply concerned professional community.

Please find the letter below. if you wish to sign send either one of us an
email stating your name, your profession, your institutional affiliation (if
you have one) and possibly a url that best represents your work or
professional activity.

Thank you.

Amanda McDonald Crowley
[email protected]

Eric Kluitenberg
[email protected]


To whom it may concern,

We, the undersigned artists, curators, critics, cultural producers,
theorists and writers who have worked with or followed the work of the
collective known as Critical Art Ensemble, are writing to express our
serious concern over legal proceedings brought against members of this
highly respected artists group.

Critical Art Ensemble (CAE) is a collective of internationally recognised
artists who work within pedagogic frameworks and art contexts to raise
awareness of a range of social issues. Most recently their work has been
directed towards providing the general public with awareness and
understanding of issues to do with biological research. Their work is not
alarmist but rather provides knowledge.

CAE's work is always undertaken in a safe and considered way, using
materials which are commonly available in scientific education and research
practices. Their main motivation is to provide the public with the tools
needed to make informed choices.

It has come to our attention that there was a recent seizure of a
substantial amount of the artists' work and research material. The
international art scene was shocked and surprised to learn that the US
Federal Bureau of Investigation, following an analysis of the materials by
the Commissioner of Public Health for New York State which returned the
result that the material seized posed no public safety risk, have continued
with their investigation and are now seeking to charge members of the
collective under the US Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act as expanded by
the USA Patriot Act.

Whilst it is perhaps understandable in the current international political
climate that such research might raise alarm bells with American
authorities, it would have also been clear, upon investigation, that the
aims of CAE are not a terrorist act, but an awareness raising action
undertaken with cultural, artistic and educational agendas. Indeed CAE's
work is quite in keeping with mainstream art practices, which have,
throughout history, had pedagogical aims.

Having worked with CAE in various settings throughout the world we have
found CAE's approach has always been to understand and to know the topic
that they are presenting. It comes as no surprise, given the current focus
of their work, that the research tools included biological material.
However, those of us in the art world who have worked with this artists'
group also know that their work is undertaken with thorough research, in
continuous consultation with members of the scientific community, in order
to ensure that the artworks they produce are safe, but also real, in terms
of the investigations they pursue. The work of CAE is internationally
recognised as thorough, investigative, educative and safe.

This matter is one that raises serious concerns internationally that the
actions of the American government undermine the freedom of artistic
expression, a fundamental democratic right, which is one of the cornerstones
of the liberal democracies.

As the materials have been tested and been shown to pose no public health
threat, we demand that the American Government immediately cease legal
action against members of the Critical Art Ensemble collective.

The good reputation of Critical Art Ensemble must be immediately restored.

Yours faithfully,

Amanda McDonald Crowley,
cultural worker/ curator, currently executive producer ISEA2004
(International Symposium of Electronic Art 2004),

Eric Kluitenberg
Head of the Media Program
De Balie - Centre for Culture and Politics
Amsterdam, The Netherlands



+ + +

from Dante Smirnoff <[email protected]>

Here's a translation into spanish of the letter. Translations han help
to raise help worldwide.



[Introductory text]
El caso de Steve Kurtz y otros miembros del Critical Art
Ensemble(, que estan siendo investigados
por el FBI en virtud de las nuevas leyes antiterroristas en EEUU
(Patriot Act), trae de cabeza a la comunidad artistica de Internet.

Para quien no conozca el caso, la pesadilla comienza para Kurtz cuando
su mujer y colaboradora Hope fallece en el domicilio de ambos de un
ataque al corazon. Al presentarse la policia a requerimiento del
propio artista, los agentes efectuan una inspeccion de la vivienda y
encuentran en ella parte del material con el que Kurt trabaja:
cultivos biologicos. Parece ser que cualquier cosa distinta del
bricolage domestico es capaz de despertar susceptibilidades en los
agentes del orden estadounidense, asi que la policia informo al FBI,
estos se presentaron en el escenario de la desgracia y detuvieron al
desolado esposo, requisaron su material… y el cuerpo de la
fallecida. Y a su gato, puestos a dar detalles ridiculos.

En estos momentos, tanto Kurtz como otros miembros del Critical Art
Ensemble (CAE) estan sometidos a investigacion por parte del FBI y si
la paranoia no remite seran juzgados por cargos que pueden ir desde
bioterrorismo a asesinato (se investiga tambien la muerte de Hope).

La biotecnologia es uno de los campos en los que se desarrolla el
trabajo de CAE, tambien ampliamente conocidos por su difusion de los
Tactical Media, una practica artistica cada vez mas difundida entre
artistas y activistas que combina investigacion, critica social y
nuevas tecnologias para crear situaciones que denuncian las tendencias
autoritarias en un contexto politico. Lo que le faltaba al FBI:
bacterias, cadenas de ADN y critica al sistema. En el actual escenario
de panico inducido la suma de todo esto te convierte en alguien
necesariamente sospechoso.

Pero al margen de lo anecdotico y de la tragedia personal de los
implicados, este caso es uno mas en la larga lista de acciones contra
la libertad de expresion en las democracias occidentales, muy
especialmente en los EE UU, en los ultimos anos. La uniformidad y la
previsibilidad parecen ser los unicos comportamientos sociales
licitos, y cualquier otra actividad, en especial si es critica con los
poderes, se consedera como minimo sospechosa.

Es importante que quienes se sientan preocupados por estos ataques a
la libertad de expresion y artistica manifiesten su apoyo a Kurtz y al
CAE firmando la carta que se incluye bajo este texto (u otras de
contenido similar) y la envien a:

[email protected]

Mas informacion sobre el tema se encuentra en:

Carta de apoyo a Steve Kurtz y Critical Art Ensemble
(traducida del original de Amanda Crowley y Eric Kluitenberg)

Aquien pueda interesar:

Nosotros, los abajofirmantes, artistas, comisarios, criticos,
productores culturales y escritores que hemos trabajado con o seguido
la obra del colectivo Critical Art Ensemble, escribimos para expresar
nuestra seria preocupacion por el proceso legal abierto contra
miembros de este respetado grupo de artistas.

Critical Art Ensemble (CAE) es un colectivo de artistas
internacionalmente reconocidos que trabajan dentro de marcos
pedagogicos y contextos artisticos para crear conocimiento sobre
diversos temas sociales. Recientemente su trabajo se ha dirigido hacia
la difusion entre el publico general de temas relacionados con la
investigacion biologica. Su obra no es alarmista sino divulgativa.

El trabajo de CAE es siempre abordado de manera segura y consciente,
empleando materiales comunmente disponibles para la educacion
cientifica y las practicas de investigacion. Su principal motivacion
es proveer al publico de las herramientas necesarias para decidir

Ha llamado nuestra atencion que se haya producido la reciente requisa
de un conjunto considerable de obra y material de investigacion de
estos artistas. La escena internacional del arte esta asombrada y
sorprendida de saber que el FBI, despues de un analisis por parte de
la Comision de Salud Publica del Estado de New York que concluyo que
el material requisado no suponia un riesgo para la seguridad publica,
haya continuado la investigacion y ahora acuse al colectivo segun la
Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act (medidas contra el terrorismo
con armas biologicas), ampliadas por el Patriot Act.

Si bien es tal vez comprensible en el actual clima politico
internacional que tal investigacion pueda levantar sospechas de las
autoridades de EE UU, tambien deberia haberse aclarado, tras la
investigacion, que los objetivos del CAE no son realizar un atentado
terrorista, sino una accion divulgativa emprendida en un contexto
cultural, artistico y educativo. La obra de CAE esta en armonia con
practicas artisticas habituales que han tenido, a lo largo de la
historia, objetivos pedagogicos.

Quienes han trabajado con ellos saben que el enfoque de CAE ha sido
siempre comprender y conocer el tema que presentan. No sorprende, dado
el campo en que desarrollan su trabajo actualmente, que sus
herramientas de investigacion incluyan material biologico. Tambien es
sabido que su obra siempre se desarrolla mediante cuidadosos estudios,
en continua comunicacion con miembros de la comunidad cientifica para
asegurar que las obras que producen son seguras, pero tambien reales.
La obra de CAE se considera en todo el mundo cuidadosa,
investigadora, educativa y segura.

Este asunto ha provocado la alarma al considerar que el gobierno
americano esta minando la libertad de espresion artistica, un derecho
democratico fundamental y una de las piedras angulares de las
democracias liberales.

Toda vez que los materiales han sido analizados y se ha demostrado que
no suponen una amenaza para la salud publica, exigimos que el Gobierno
de los Estados Unidos de America cese inmediatamente la accion legal
contra los miembros del colectivo Critical Art Ensemble.

La reputacion de CAE debe ser inmetiatamente restituida.


Amanda McDonald Crowley,
cultural worker/ curator, currently executive producer ISEA2004
(International Symposium of Electronic Art 2004),

Eric Kluitenberg
Head of the Media Program
De Balie - Centre for Culture and Politics
Amsterdam, The Netherlands


nombre/ profesion / cargo / pais / url