Fwd:_[Incident's_News]_INCIDENT_a_la_Scam:_ce_s oir!

Begin forwarded message:

> From: [email protected]
> Date: June 2, 2004 10:44:21 PM EDT
> Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
> Subject: [Incident's News] INCIDENT a la Scam: ce soir!
> Reply-To: [email protected]
> Le president de la Scam
> Et toute l'equipe d'Incident.net
> Sont heureux de vous inviter a la projection de:
> http://incident.net
>>> Presentation de la nouvelle version d'INCIDENT.NET et du HORS SERIE=

>>> sur
> le theme de la NATURE MORTE.
> Suspendre le flux du reseau. Un instant. Produire des perceptions,
> perdre
> du temps, en donner. Induire des differences et des dissonances, des
> interferences. Aucune information a trouver, suspension de
> l'instrumentalite: une derive perceptive. S'approprier la programmati=
> informatique comme Logos plutot que comme Ratio. Interroger
> l'articulation
> entre l'affectivite et la machine, notre prothese. Introduire l'autre=

> dans
> le processus de production comme part du reseau et de l'anonymat.
> Incident
> au sens d'incidence, l'infime resiste dans la megapole cybernetique.
> Prix du site Internet de la Scam 2003.
> Jeudi 3 juin 2004 a 20 h
> A la Scam:
> 5, avenue Velasquez
> 75008 Paris
> Metro Villiers ou Monceau
> La projection sera suivie d'un cocktail.
>> Places limitees, reservation souhaitee par mel a:
>> [email protected],
> merci! :)
>> Il reste une dizaine de places…
>> Toutes les personnes ayant deja reserve sont confirmees.
> The President of The Scam
> & Incident.net Team
> Are pleased to invite you to the projection of:
> http://incident.net
>>> New version of INCIDENT.NET & STILL LIFE SELECTION will be presented
>>> at
> the SCAM in Paris.
> Suspend the stream of the network. One moment. Produce perceptions,
> waste
> time, give it. Infer differences and dissonances, interferences. No
> information to be found, suspension of the instrumentality: a
> perceptive
> drift. Leave of the medium and look for the language, write.
> Appropriate
> computer programming as Logos rather than as Ratio. Interrogate
> articulation between the affectivity and the machine, our prosthesis.
> Articulate plastic, narrative, structural, informative, social
> parameters.
> Work alone or with the others on a given theme. Introduce the other
> into
> the process of production as part of the network and the anonymity.
> Incident in the sense of incidence, the tiny resists in the cybernetic
> megapole.
> Price of The Scam Web Site 2003.
> On June, the 3rd, at 8 pm
> At the Scam:
> 5, avenue Velasquez
> 75008 Paris
> Metro Villiers / Monceau
> Projection + cocktail
>> Please confirm at: [email protected], thank you! :)
>> About 10 more entries…
>> All the people already applied are confirmed.
>> INCIDENT > http://incident.net > [email protected]