Steve Kurtz

In 1970 Pierre Laporte, minister in the Canadian government was abducted and eventually slain.
Like all terrorist attcks they killed the man, not the figurehead.It was disguting.
Many artists and social commentators however were arrested and detained.
All were found innocent.
Canada grew up, and the rights of individuals were reinforced.
The CBC, Canada's radio/TV corp. were on the side of the government.
But questions were raised, and the truth of the media was brought to justice.
Steve Kurtz is as innocent as Molinari and Harris( he designed the posters for the Bolivian Communnists in the 50's, we used to share Cutty Sharks).
If you don't act, then you deserve to lose your rights.
Are you involved in art that questions authority? then you might be arrested and questioned.
This is perhaps the most important issue you will be involved with.
Don't be intimidated, act now.