Fwd: alpha 3.8: translocation - back to LA.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: tien <[email protected]>
> Date: May 17, 2004 3:56:29 PM EDT
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: alpha 3.8: translocation - back to LA.
> ps. sorry for cross posting. Please forward to interested parties!
> ====================================
> ====================================
> == * A website coming near you soon. * ==
> == alpha 3.8 Bulletin, issue 12, 18 May 2004 ==
> == < http://www.tsunamii.net > =====
> == edited by Tien ========
> ====================================
> * alpha 3.8: translocation commissioned by Gallery 9/Walker Art Centre
> through a grant from Jerome Foundation
> Welcome to the alpha 3.8 Bulletin. This is a regular, free, email
> bulletin to inform you of the translocation of the tsunamii.net
> website, new additions to the site, news and writings related to the
> alpha 3.8 project. The bulletin is distributed every time the site is
> being translocated.
> # NEW: webserver Location
> The tsunamii.net website was translocated on the 18 May 2004.
> It is hosted now hosted on a web server in Los Angeles, CA, USA after
> Ontario, Canada.
> www.tsunamii.net
> #NEW: Plot a Traceroute
> You would need to download a client side program to execute the trace.
> There are three versions for Linux, Mac and Windows. Sorry for any
> inconvenience.
> GOTO: alpha 3.8: dedicated Traceroute.
> Plot + draw and find out…
> http://www.tsunamii.net/clients/
> #NEW: tsunamii.net will be doing be an artist in residence at
> Queensland University of Technology during July-Aug 2004.
> #Wanna discuss more on the alpha 3.8: translocation forum?Or discuss
> local situations / recommend servers / imagine countries.
> We have updated the forum since not much action has been on this
> forum, we made it one of the sub-categories.
> Meanwhile, we are opening the space for people to start their own
> discussions.
> http://www.tsunamiii.net/forum1/viewforum.php?f=3
> #Interesting NEWS:
> E-mail in the artic: This is quite romantic notion of e-mail and harsh
> conditions.
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3693733.stm
> In-Flight Wi-Fi to Make Its First Debut: Remember the days when you
> wish you could e-mail someone about the weather at 8000 feet above
> Singapore. Now you can.
> http://www.dailywireless.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid'2
> Related Links for alpha 3.8:
> Translocation : alpha 3.8 - http://www.fragnetics.com/articles/alpha38
> Walker Arts Center : http://www.walkerart.org/gallery9
> Server Suicide : alpha 3.5 Crush -
> http://www.fragnetics.com/projects/crush
> To unsuscribe please e-mail to [email protected]