Matt Fair: The World Owes You a Living


This site is by Canada's Matt Fair. I met him in the late eighties when I
was doing a literary radio show. Matt has done volumes of audio collages
drawn primarily from the CBC, other radio, taped conversations, and his own
production. I was able to commission a work by him for the radio show. I
also encouraged him, at that time, to send in some of his work to the New
American Radio series produced by Helen Thorington in New York and, somewhat
improbably, "The World Owes You a Living" was commissioned by them and aired
around the U.S.A on NPR. 'Somewhat improbably' because who would have
thought that the idea that 'the world owes you a living' would get a better
hearing in the U.S.A than in Canada?

Matt is a poly-artist. His site explores the themes of work, freedom,
technology, economics, 'rich and poor' in several media. The site is the tip
of the iceberg of Matt's work as an artist. He has carefully put together
several volumes of writing that are a mixture of poetry, philosophical and
social reflection, and development of the themes present also in the audio
CDs available from his site at

It is, perhaps, in the nature of Matt's themes and approach that his work
should be relatively little known in this society. But I hope his work
becomes well-known indeed. What he has to say is important, and he says it
with a lifetime of committment to this work.
