8 Bits or Less Live on the I2 Access Grid

8 Bit Technology goes live on the Access Grid

8 Bits or Less LIVE- Access Grid
4/29, 12 Noon-2:00pm CST
LSU Access Grid node w/Artur Matuck, Univ of Sao Paulo

In conjunction with Dr. Susan Ryan's seminar on Global Communication in
Media Art, Patrick Lichty will utilize one pane of Louisiana State
University's Access Grid to transmit a live VJ mix of excerpts of his
wristcam video series "8 Bits or Less". This first VJ set on the I2
Access Grid uses video clips which are experiments with Casio Wristcams.
The images are 120x120 pixels in size, 8-bit grayscale, lossy JPEG
compression. The result is a highly textured, grainy image that
degrades further when scaled to larger video dimensions, but create
interesting videoscapes when processed through live video synthesis.

In using this schema for performing a live video set on the Access Grid,
which is a multi-casting, high resolution conferencing system which uses
the Internet II as a basis for communication, 8 BoL Live uses the Grid
while playfully questioning the technological determinism inherent in
the digital arts (resolution equaling verisimilitude, processing speed,
planned obsolescence, etc.). Note that this critique is not specific to
the use of the Grid, but is formed by the difference between the
low-bandwidth media (using 8-bit technology) being sent over the latest
telecommunications technology. It is not so much the Grid which is held
circumspect, but the need for resolution, frame rate, speed, etc. as
somehow being necessary to expression in digital arts.

The images used to create the videos are captured in 256 grayscale
(8-bit) format, and the music from which the 8 Bits or Less video
soundtrack was constructed was created through the use of Nanoloop on
circuit bent Nintendo Gameboy video game systems. 8BoL pushes the back
of the envelope, exploring minimalist technology and antique computers
as creative engines.

About the Access Grid
The Access Grid supports group-to-group communication via high-speed
networking over the Internet II. It provides high quality audio and
real-time video to provide interactive experiences for users at multiple
sites. All the hardware featured is off the shelf and readily available
at a reasonable cost so that you can successfully set up your own Access
Grid Node site.

About Patrick Lichty:
Patrick Lichty is an technologically-based intermedia artist, writer,
independent curator who deals with issues related to social and
historical issues, and Editor-In-Chief of Intelligent Agent Magazine.
