action day: Hold a phone party!

> On May 8th, hundreds of grassroots groups and tens of thousands of us
> will join forces in the biggest one-day voter mobilization effort in
> American history. Together, we will contact over 1 million voters and
> register over 250,000 folks to vote. We'll also prove to Republicans
> and the media that while President Bush may have more money, we have
> the people-power to win.
> This election will turn on a handful of votes in a few "battleground"
> states. In those states, MoveOn members will participate in the day of
> action by talking to voters face to face. But for those of us who
> aren't in swing states, there's an equally important mission: reaching
> swing-state voters by phone.
> That's why we're holding phone banking parties on May 8th. Cell phones
> in hand, we will gather at houses across the country to have fun and
> contact voters together. In order for this effort to work, though, we
> need folks to host the parties. If we can hit 1,000 phone banking
> parties, we can contact more than 100,000 voters in a single > afternoon.
> Can you host? Sign up now at:
> All you need to do to host a party is offer your living room for
> friends and/or MoveOn members to gather in and print out a few
> documents from our website. After the party, you go back to the
> website and type in which people your party reached on the phone. It's
> that simple!
> We'll provide hosts with a detailed guide to holding a party, scripts
> for your calls, and of course names and numbers to call. Because
> attendees will be using their own cell phones, you don't need to
> provide phone lines or worry about long distance charges. And since
> we're holding the parties on a Saturday, many of the folks who attend
> can use the free weekend minutes that come with many cell phone
> packages.
> When you sign up, you can either choose to create a private party –
> where just you and your invited friends participate – or a public
> party which anyone in your community can join. We'll highlight public
> parties for MoveOn members early next week. For both types of parties,
> we'll provide you with an online tool to help you administer your
> party and communicate with your attendees.
> These parties will help win the election in November, but they'll also
> be fun. Hundreds of participants in the "Uncovered" house parties and
> the bake sales several weeks ago wrote us to say how great it is to
> meet other MoveOn members and do something powerful together.
> Opportunities to meet folks in our communities who share our beliefs
> don't come along so often.
> Would you host a party? Sign up now at:

Lee A Wells
mobile: 917 723 2524
studio: 718 349 7951

[email protected]