Fwd: Uncle Roy All Around You

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Rebecca Land <[email protected]>
> Date: April 23, 2004 11:00:00 AM EDT
> To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
> Subject: Uncle Roy All Around You
> Cornerhouse launches a groundbreaking interactive game on Wednesday 28
> April….
> Blast Theory: Uncle Roy All Around You
> 28 Apr - 2 May & 5 - 8 May
> Online players see: www.uncleroyallaroundyou.co.uk
> Street players: 3.00 - 9.00pm (last entry for street players 8pm)
> Bringing the world of espionage movies to life, Uncle Roy All Around
> You
> links players on the streets of Manchester with online players across
> the
> world.
> Cornerhouse is the starting point for street players, who use handheld
> computers to search for Uncle Roy. Using the map and incoming messages
> they
> move through the streets to find a secret destination. Online players
> cruise
> through the virtual city, listen in to the street players and assist
> them.
> As you play, you are introduced to a new interactive landscape in
> which you
> are less passive than you think: would you put your trust in a
> stranger?
> Online players see www.uncleroyallaroundyou.co.uk and visit
> Cornerhouse or
> Urbis to join in and watch the day's play.
> www.uncleroyallaroundyou.co.uk
> Tickets