Fwd: Ars Electronica 2004 - Timeshift

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> From: Ars Electronica Center <[email protected]>
> Date: April 22, 2004 11:09:48 AM EDT
> Subject: Ars Electronica 2004 - Timeshift
> Reply-To: [email protected]
> Ars Electronica 2004
> Linz, September 2 - 7
> www.aec.at/timeshift
> Timeshift - The World in 25 Years
> The 25th Anniversary Celebration of the Festival of Art, Technology
> and Society
> "TIMESHIFT - The World in 25 Years" is the title of the 2004 festival;
> transformation, upheaval and
> the future are its programmatic concepts. The point of departure is
> reflection upon the past 25 years;
> the aim is to identify the developments that promise to be the driving
> forces in art, technology and
> society over the next quarter century. The younger generation of media
> artists and theoreticians will
> meet Ars Electronica's founding generation and, together with an
> audience of wide-ranging backgrounds
> and diverse interests, confront the past and the future of phenomena
> at the interface of
> art, technology and society.
> Ars Electronica 2004: A New Format
> Ars Electronica has gotten a bit of a makeover this year. From now on,
> the festival will begin on
> Thursday and run until Tuesday; this makes it possible to intensively
> utilize an entire weekend, which
> is now positioned right in the middle of the line-up of events. The
> Prix Ars Electronica Gala will move
> from the ORF's studio to the impressive ambience of the Brucknerhaus'
> Main Concert Hall. And Ars
> Electronica is adding a new venue-the Lentos Museum of Art, where the
> "Digital Avant-Garde"
> anniversary exhibition will be on display.
> Timeshift will manifest itself in various formats and an array of
> venues: at symposia and talks with
> artists, in discussion forums and workshops, at exhibitions,
> installations and interventions in urban
> spaces, as well as at performances and concerts. Special events and
> guest presentations will significantly
> expand this year's festival program.
> Detailed information at www.aec.at/timeshift
> Ars Electronica 2004
> Organization:
> Ars Electronica Center Linz and ORF - Austrian Broadcasting
> Corporation, Upper Austria Regional Studio
> Co-organizers: Brucknerhaus Linz, O.K - Center for Contemporary Art,
> Kunstuniversitat Linz
> Concept & Artistic Direction: Gerfried Stocker, Christine Schoepf
> Contact:
> Ars Electronica Center
> Hauptstrasse 2
> 4040 Linz, Austria
> [email protected]
> www.aec.at/timeshift
> Sponsors of Ars Electronica 2004 and Prix Ars Electronica 2004:
> City of Linz, Province of Upper Austria, Republic of Austria
> SAP AG, Telekom Austria, voestalpine
> Bank Austria Creditanstalt, Quelle AG, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft,
> Oesterreichische Brauunion, FESTO, Mitsubishi Electric, Sony DADC,
> Siemens AG, KLM, Spring
> Additional support provided by Casinos Austria, Poestlingberg
> Schloessl, OKS Oesterreichischer Kulturservice, Lexmark, 3com
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