Fwd: Asha gets moist from cats

this stuff is just getting too damned funny–this
one's gets the prize for most creative subject line!

never thought algoritms i was interested in could be
put to such clever utilitarian use (don't know why i
didn't think about it, seems logical)—funny how
"poetry generators" have been put to this use—those
annoyed by spam of course wouldn't like it, but i
think i'm actually beginning to enjoy getting spam,
especially if it has some markov-chain play in it!

makes me feel, having written things like this, kinda
subversive—and oddly sticky


— Simon Davis <[email protected]> wrote:
> From: "Simon Davis" <[email protected]>
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Asha gets moist from cats
> Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 20:15:57 -0600
> Llacook, Sat, 17 Apr 2004 23:08:57
> -0300
> ambassador andrea actinometer howsomever snyder bel
> cutset descend alger beck malagasy rivulet
> crestfallen antarctic contradistinction confucian
> bulwark penrose chancellor
> or you can optout @ [email protected]
> restful hereabout dosimeter biota boltzmann embark
> delirious corona bullseye shagbark trajectory
> denature rejecter livery tunic borderline brookhaven
> canteen tabloid convair someone profile marianne
> severn dispense *Llacook



This is as useful as a doll.–Gertrude Stein


Stamen Pistol: http://stamenpistol.blogspot.com/

Poem of the Day: http://www.lewislacook.com/POD

Sidereality: http://www.sidereality.com/

tubulence artist studio: http://turbulence.org/studios/lacook/index.html

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