new media

The world is all that is in this case.



This is as useful as a doll.–Gertrude Stein

Stamen Pistol:

Poem of the Day:


tubulence artist studio:

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - File online by April 15th


, Rob Myers

On 16 Apr 2004, at 19:42, Lewis LaCook wrote:

> The world is all that is in this case.

case this:
return world;

- Rob.

, Rob Myers

On 16 Apr 2004, at 19:42, Lewis LaCook wrote:

> The world is all that is in this case.

case this:
return world;

- Rob.


There is a lot to do on the internet concern new media, technotexts, etc. Most of the artists are trapped in a kinda post modernist crisis and negativity.
New media is something that must grow, and the trick is that what you already know, must be reveilled by a circuit connected to the audience and the artwork and in this manner it becomes yours. It's like what is hidden in you must be pulled out by the artwork. Not easy, some succeded. For me it is clear, it's back to basics and present the artwork (videoart, netart, mediapoetics) on a other way than we used to, leave the boundaries of the internet and go outside, project it on a lake, a cloud, ….
We have the tools now, but what I see on the internet as netart etc, the only comment I can say is : 'you have a very impressive computer'
Writing with a pen, the mouvement of the arm, is still something that I very recommend. Afterwards you can use the tools and technical skills. But don't forget the person, the invidual artist is still the leading part, not the technical and high tech tools who are taking over
the thinking of the artist.